By consistently prioritizing genuine friendship with both God and neighbor, we open ourselves up to our own “magi moments” - those graced times of revelation in which we are drawn deeper into the mystery of salvation.
PASTOR'S NOTE: Dec 31, 2023
PASTOR'S NOTE: Dec 24, 2023
PASTOR'S NOTE: Dec 17, 2023
PASTOR'S NOTE: Dec 10, 2023
Dear Saints,
We’re one week into Advent and only 15 days until Christmas. It’s worth a gut-check: have I spent the season wisely so far? If so, keep going! If not, there’s still time - begin now.
Today we encounter the colorful character of John the Baptist. John was what you might call a boundary pusher, and for good reason: he came with a message that utterly obliterated the boundaries. Up till then, sin and death had pinned people into small and servile lives, but those limits were about to be demolished forever, and John’s job was to ready the people for the revolution.
John foretold the coming of the prince of peace; it’s perhaps particularly unjust, then, that he met with such a violent end. But we can honor his sacrifice by heeding his message. Let’s spend the next 15 days deliberately dismantling the boundaries of selfishness and fear we’ve set up around our own hearts. With gratitude for the messenger who first alerted us to his coming, let’s prepare the way of the Lord into our lives.
Christ’s Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ
PASTOR'S NOTE: Dec 3, 2023
PASTOR'S NOTE: Nov 26, 2023
The concept of kingship can be somewhat foreign to our modern mindset, but it signifies total sovereignty and a duty of complete allegiance. In that sense, Jesus’s lordship over our lives is a binary choice: he either rules our hearts entirely, or not at all; we either belong to him altogether, or not at all.