Worship (cultus) lies at the heart of every culture. What we value most matters. Our worship of Jesus - the God whose life is totally for-the-other - gives rise to a culture of joyful generosity at OLMC.
“This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
Outside Mass - discontinued
Drive-In Mass - discontinued
Mass Schedule & Linked Resources
Our current Mass schedule follows. Please click the links below for more information on the particular Mass and useful resources to help you pray (and sing) along.
Sunday Masses:
Saturday (Vigil)
5:15pm in the church
7:00pm (Spanish) in the church
7:30am in the church
9:00am in the church
11:00am in the church
Daily Masses
Monday - Saturday
8:00am in the church
Mass in the Church
For Mass readings, click here.
Outside Mass
Mass in front of the church has been discontinued.
Sign up to receive weekend text messages about the status of our Outside Mass.
Drive-In Mass
Our Walmart has been discontinued.
Sign up to receive weekend text messages about the status of our Drive-In Mass.
Scheduled times for Confession are inside in our regular Confessional. For more information, please see our Confession page. If you would like to schedule an appointment for Confession outside of those hours, please click here.
The Most Blessed Sacrament is exposed after 8:00am Mass on Friday until Saturday before 8:00am Mass.
Friday at 8:30am - Saturday at 7:45am (includes nocturnal adoration)