Because we are made in God’s image, and God himself is cheerful giving, we share his life of blessing by giving ourselves generously away.
“God loves a cheerful giver.”
Give Now
To give to specific initiatives and campaigns, please click here.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel manages automated giving with DonorBox, an industry leader that harnesses the security, reliability, and convenience of PayPal, Apple Pay, and Stripe.
We also accept contributions the old-fashioned way. Please contact us with any questions.
A Tithing Primer
Proportional giving – to the tithe and beyond – is about our personal spiritual health and growth. Living the giving life is all about our sharing in God’s own life of total self gift.
Tithing is an act of worship: it puts God first in our lives and reminds us that everything we have is his. Tithing - giving God the first 10% of our income - is a real-life acknowledgement of the fact that everything we have belongs to God and is meant to be managed by us for his purposes.
Growth in the spiritual habit of prayerful giving to the tithe and beyond is a sign of a maturing disciple whose life is grounded in God’s generosity. When we commit ourselves in practical ways to this reality, we find our life’s meaning.
Joy comes from living the giving life.
Your giving honors God and helps further the reach of his mission at OLMC. Our stewardship of your gift is a sacred responsibility, and every effort will be made to honor your sacrifice.
For projects that are worthy of your support, check out
For more on unlocking the secret of joyful giving, check out Randy Alcorn’s The Treasure Principle. Contact us for a free copy, or buy it on Amazon:
Financial Peace University
Are you looking to experience financial freedom and unleash your ability to live the giving life? Then you’re ready to join more than five million people whose lives have been changed by Financial Peace University (FPU).
This nine-lesson course taught by Dave Ramsey, Chris Hogan, and Rachel Cruze helps you work a plan to nail a budget, defeat debt, and free yourself from money worries!
You’ll join a small group for discussions and lessons - all rooted in biblical wisdom and common sense. FPU includes your member workbook and a free year of Financial Peace Membership, with online tools created to support your journey. For more information, be in touch.
At OLMC, we are building a community of radical generosity that is sustained by the financial peace of our parishioners. This is how we get there together.
FPU-OLMC Testimony
Giving Calculator
Calculate your weekly, yearly, or monthly giving below. Our proportional-giving calculator helps you to prayerfully and intentionally grow towards - and beyond - the tithe.
“Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose] just as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver [and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift].”
Commit to OLMC’s life-changing mission today:
To give to specific initiatives and campaigns, please click here.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel manages automated giving with DonorBox, an industry leader that harnesses the security, reliability, and convenience of PayPal, Apple Pay, and Stripe.
We also accept contributions the old-fashioned way. Please contact us with any questions.