PASTOR'S NOTE: Feb 23, 2025

Dear Saints,

This is the last full week of ordinary time before Lent begins. As one season ends and another begins, it can be a worthwhile exercise to reflect back and measure reality against aspiration. The point is not to feel bad where we fell short, complacent where we hit the mark, or smug where we exceeded expectations. Rather, it’s merely a good opportunity to take stock of where we are in our faith journey, and to remember that God’s love for us is and would have been the same no matter where we find ourselves.

The USCCB defines ordinary time as “a time for growth and maturation, a time in which the mystery of Christ is called to penetrate ever more deeply into history until all things are finally caught up in Christ.” That gives rise to some questions:

 Have we grown in love for God since Christmas? Has our love for our neighbors matured?  If so, how can we keep going? If not, what’s been stopping us?

·Have we allowed ourselves to be caught up in Christ over the past few weeks? If so, what have been the fruits? If not, what are we afraid of?

These final days of February could feel like the most ho-hum week of the year. In reality, it means there’s still time to make “ordinary time” a truly extraordinary season for all of us.

Christ’s Peace,

Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ