PASTOR'S NOTE: Aug 27, 2023

Statement of Bishop and Pastor

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

August 26-27, 2023

Dear Saints,

Bishop Sweeney has asked that I share some important information with you as your pastor. As a part of his responsibility as diocesan shepherd and my own charge for the care of souls as pastor, there is difficult news to share concerning Father Wade Trainor that will leave all of us here at Our Lady of Mount Carmel heavy-hearted.

On August 4, 2023, Father Wade traveled to the Jersey Shore with two young people of the parish with the permission of their parents but unaccompanied by another adult. During this trip, Father Wade was involved in a motor vehicle accident. Police investigation revealed that Father Wade was allegedly intoxicated at the time of the accident. Father Wade was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated and other associated charges.

On August 5, 2023, as a result of this serious lapse in judgment and violation of the Pastoral Code of Conduct, Bishop Sweeney directed Father Wade to begin a lengthy period of self-care which I fully endorsed as an important first step.

In addition to a legal summons to be answered, a full investigation of Father Wade’s violation of the Pastoral Code of Conduct, especially his sharing of alcohol with minors, must be resolved in the months ahead. Father Wade has fully cooperated with this investigation and has immersed himself in addressing these issues. The Diocese of Paterson will keep us fully informed as the canonical and legal processes unfold and will cooperate with law enforcement as requested.

While Father Wade’s assignment here at Our Lady of Mount Carmel concludes on a very sad note, we keep him in prayer as a brother in Christ and commend him to the care of our Patroness, Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

The Bishop and his co-workers in the diocesan ministry are available to provide further information regarding the process of healing in the life of our parish and Father Wade as it unfolds while at the same time maintaining the privacy of all of those involved. No doubt, the public record will also provide further information as we go forward.

If you have had any difficulties with Father Wade’s behavior or have witnessed any behavior that is inappropriate, the Bishop and I both encourage you to make those concerns known to appropriate authorities and/or diocesan officials immediately. Any inquiries or contact with the Diocese can be made to Mr. Eric Wilsusen, Director of Child and Youth Protection. His email address, should you want to talk to him at any point, is His phone number is (973) 777-8818 x 257.

Know of my prayers for you and yours these days, my friends. I take heart in knowing that we are together in prayer, gathered under the mantle of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. We pray especially that Our Lady, whose good counsel we implore, will lead us and keep us ever hopeful in the days ahead.

In the Peace of Christ,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ