PASTOR'S NOTE: Nov 05, 2023

Dear Saints,

“Whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” It’s one of the great paradoxes of our faith, and a stark contradiction to the me-first mentality that dominates our culture. So how can it be true? Put simply, because that’s how God set it up. St. Bonaventure once said that “God’s power is his humility; God’s strength is his weakness; God’s greatness is his lowliness.” Jesus’s most wretched and humiliating moment became the instrument of his greatest accomplishment - the salvation of the world.

He invites us to become instruments of that saving power too, but we have to adopt his meek and humble heart to get it done. It’s a lifelong battle, because pride is forever tempting us with one trick or another. But the saints who have gone before us offer many practical ways to develop habits of humility. To name just a few:


· Speak as little as possible about yourself

· Don’t preoccupy yourself with other people’s affairs, and don’t dwell on others’ faults

· Accept small irritations with good humor and unwarranted criticism without pushback

· Accept disfavor, derision, and disregard

· Do not seek to be admired and loved

· Do not protect yourself behind your own dignity


It’s a daunting list, but we can progress little by little and support each other on the way of humility, and so become better conduits of God’s love — our exalted reward.

Christ’s Peace,

Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ