Current Announcements
If you need anything, please be in touch with us.
Ash Wednesday is this week! Join us for Mass at 7:00am, 8:00am, or 7:00pm; or Liturgy of the Word & Distribution of Ashes (not Masses) at 12:00pm or 4:00pm.
Come to our Annual Lenten Fish Fry, catered by Tastefully British, on Friday, March 21st. Orders must be placed by March 12th.
Stations of the Cross starts up again this Friday. Join us for a powerful Lenten devotion, and stay for soup supper to follow (commit to help out by clicking here).
We're hosting a new women's evening Bible Study starting March 11th at 7:00pm. Finding Rest in a Restless World is a 10-week study on Biblical rest. Email Catherine Porter for more information.
Previous Announcements
Blasts from the Pastor
If you’d like to receive Father Daniel’s weekly parish emails, let us know.Stephen Ministers, commissioned the weekend of March 12-13, are lay men and women, parishioners of OLMC Church, trained to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in our community experiencing life difficulties such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation.
If you or someone you know may benefit from the support of a Stephen Minister, please contact the rectory office: or 973-334-1017.
Men’s Group
OLMC has a men’s group. Interested? Reach out to Father Daniel now.Daily/Weekly Inspirational Emails
Fr. Daniel wrote in his bulletin article (January 30-31) about emails he receives from Opus Dei. You can check them out for yourself here: Continues every Friday to Saturday
Our Adoration, regularly scheduled from Friday after 8:00am Mass through 7:45am Saturday morning, is back on schedule.This month’s opportunity to give beyond the tithe is for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Check it out here.
We are once again collecting blessed palms. If you have blessed palms, bring them to the church next Saturday or Sunday (February 22nd and 23rd) and leave them in the basket we will set up in the narthex. These palms will be burned and used for ashes this Lent.
Join us for a six-week study of Bishop Barron’s The Mass. We will meet Tuesdays at 1:00pm, beginning February 25th. See the bulletin or flyers in the church for more details.
Did you see us live on Fox and Friends Weekend? Check out our school choir here!
We have a tour of our school scheduled for this coming Friday at 9:00am. Register here so we can have enough coffee ready.
Before Christmas, I visited with my friend Ira Dewitt and recorded an episode of the Beyond Saint Podcast. Give it a look/listen, and let me know what you think.
The Beacon, The Diocese of Paterson’s newspaper, will cease printing as of January 1st. It will live on in its new digital form here.
With no diocesan 2nd collection this month, our opportunity to give beyond the tithe is our parish cemetery. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
We’re having our Women’s Retreat this year the weekend of February 28th at Saint Mary’s Abbey in Morristown. The cost is $250 per person, and there are some scholarships available. Flyers with more information are in the Narthex.
We're planning a Parish Pilgrimage to Rome in October, which will include the Diaconate Ordination of our own Lucas Folan at Saint Peter's Basilica. If you're interested in coming, please fill out this Pilgrimage Interest Form by January 15th (you do not need to make a commitment now).
If you're looking for New Year's Resolutions, here's one that continues to serve me well: Read through the Catechism in a year with these short daily emails.
Our Middle and High School Christmas Concert is this week. Join us this Thursday (January 9th) at 7:00pm in the OLMC School All Purpose Room.
Make an IRA Charitable Gift Today to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and reduce your taxable income while supporting your Parish. Contact Ivan Arocho in the Parish Office for details.
Leave your trees up for a while, and decorate them with the new OLMC stained-glass ornament. For purchase, check it out in our online store.
As is our custom, we will have only one Mass on January 1st at 12:00 noon. The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God is a Holy Day of Obligation this year -- come mark the occasion with us!
Congratulations to our own Faith & Mike Rose, Lifenet’s Torchbearer of Life Award recipients for 2024. Their commitment to the pro-life movement began as Lifenet’s first interns in 2000. They still witness to the beauty and sanctity of life as they minister at OLMC. Thank you, Faith and Mike!
The 2024 OLMC Christmas Ornament, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, will be available the week of December 9th. This is the 11th in the series of stained-glass windows from the Church.
Are you able to commit to a Holy Hour for Eucharistic Adoration? See the bulletin for more information or contact the Parish Office.
Our Christmas Mass Schedule is as follows:
December 24th: 4:00pm, 6:00pm, midnight (carols at 11:30pm)
December 25th: 9:00am, 11:00am
Thank you all for your generosity with this year’s OLMC Giving Tree. We filled all the requests from Boonton residents who are struggling to meet their basic needs.
One of the best ways to experience the beauty of Advent is to enter into the great story of the Scriptures that is crowned by Christ's coming. That's what Lessons and Carols is all about. Join us this Sunday at 3:00pm in the church for an unforgettable Advent experience.
The Diocesan Ministries Appeal is live. Check it out here.
The Giving Tree is up. To support Boonton residents who struggle to meet their daily needs, please take a tag. Return the wrapped and tagged gift by Sunday, December 8th.
Advent by Candlelight is happening on Saturday, December 7th, from 6:00 - 9:00pm: join us for an evening of prayer, reflection, and friendship, hosted by women of our parish, for the women of our parish. See flyers in the Narthex for more information.
The Saint Nicholas Pancake Breakfast, hosted by Trail Life, will be held on Sunday, December 8th in the Gym, from 8:00am to 1:00pm.
Our Boy Scout Troop is having a Wreath and Grave Blanket Sale this weekend (November 30th) after all Masses. See the bulletin or flyer in the Narthex for more information.
Our Gala celebrating our educational ministries was a huge success! Thank you for your prayers and your support. With your help, we raised more than $450,000.
The Miser, a lively comedy by French playwright Molière, brings the conflict of love and money to the stage! Don’t miss our middle school’s performance of this timeless classic on Friday and Saturday at 7:00pm in the school's all-purpose room. Discounted tickets are available now.
We only have a few more tickets available for our Light of the World Gala Dinner & Auction on Wednesday, November 20th. Visit to buy tickets, become a sponsor, or purchase an ad in the journal.
Our next Bible Study will start up on Tuesday, November 12th. Check out the flyers in the church narthex for more information and to sign up.
Our Youth Ministry is hosting a Trivia Night for Seniors & Youth this Friday, November 8th, from 7:00 to 9:00pm.
Remember your loved ones this November: Our All Souls’ Memorial Mass will be on Thursday, November 7th at 5:30pm, with a reception to follow in Gordon Hall. Forms are available in the Narthex.
Invite your friends and family to join us for a tour of OLMC School this Friday morning. Click here for the flyer. Come and see what joyful, whole-child education looks like in action!
Remember your loved ones this November: Our All Souls’ Memorial Mass will be on Thursday, November 7th at 5:30pm, with a reception to follow in Gordon Hall. Forms are available in the Narthex.
Our annual Light of the World Gala Dinner & Auction will be held at The Park Savoy in Florham Park, on Wednesday, November 20th. RSVP by November 6th. Visit to buy tickets, become a sponsor, or purchase an ad in the journal.
Congratulations to John and Lori Testa, who received this year's Vivere Christus Award in recognition of their outstanding service to our parish, the Diocese of Paterson, and beyond. Please join me in thanking John and Lori for their dedication to OLMC!
Your vote counts! Join us after the 11:00am Mass on Sunday to help judge our Youth Ministry Scarecrow Contest. We'll have donuts and apple cider for all, no matter your choice!
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be this Friday, October 25th, from 7:00 to 9:00pm
Our Annual Gala Cocktail Reception will be held at The Park Savoy in Florham Park on Wednesday, November 20th. Visit to buy tickets, become a sponsor, or purchase an ad.
On Saturday, October 12th at 12:00pm, we will hold a Rosary Rally in the parking lot of Dangler Lewis and Carey Funeral Home in Boonton. This prayer rally takes place across the United States.
Calling all of our young men, high school age and older: Bishop Sweeney will be with us this Sunday at 6:00pm for Project Andrew. Join us for dinner! Register here.
On Sunday, September 29th at 6:00pm, we are hosting Project Andrew. Bishop Sweeney will join us for an evening to discover the mystery of the priesthood. All of our young men (high school and older) are encouraged to join us!
Join us for a seven-week Bible Study beginning September 17th: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. For more information, see the flyers in the narthex or contact the rectory.
RCIA (now called OCIA) is starting up September 18th. If you (or anyone you know) are interested in becoming Catholic or receiving one or more of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion, let us know. We'll also run a course for teens who have aged out of CCD.
We kick off the Diocesan Ministries Appeal this weekend. We’ll have a little talk after Mass for more information.
We're back to school at OLMC and LGA this Wednesday. Please remember our families, faculty, and staff in your prayers as we prepare for another year of educating children for lives of eternal purpose!
Boonton Food Pantry is gratefully accepting donations of non-perishable items, toiletries, and paper products. A box for donations is located in the Church Narthex. Monetary donations can be mailed to Boonton’s Town Hall, care of Lucille Rockis.
Save the date for our 2024 Light of the World Gala! It will be held at the Park Savoy in Florham Park on November 20th at 6:00pm.
Join us on Wednesday (August 21st) for our second outdoor movie night: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. See the bulletin or fliers in the Narthex for more details.
The registration deadline for Religious Education is quickly approaching. Please be sure to register by August 15th to avoid late fees!
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation, is this Thursday, August 15th. Mass times are:
Wednesday, 8/14 at 7:00pm
Thursday, 8/15 at 8:00am and 12:00pm
The first of our outdoor movie nights is this Wednesday! Join us August 14th for Disney's Cinderella (2015).
We need your help. To sustain our Friday to Saturday Adoration, we need someone to be with Jesus in the church from 8:00 to 9:00pm. If you can cover that time (or any other), please let me know.
This summer, we're hosting two outdoor movie nights! Join us on Wednesday, August 14th, for Disney's Cinderella (2015). On Wednesday, August 21st, we'll watch The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Both movies portray Christian themes and are child-friendly.
Save the date for our 2024 Light of the World Gala! It will be held at the Park Savoy in Florham Park on November 20th at 6:00pm.
July’s beyond the tithe opportunity is for three missions in one: 1. Catholic Communications Campaign, 2. Black and Indian Missions, and 3. Catholic University of America. Click hereto find out more and to give.
We're excited to announce that we have two upcoming outdoor movie nights! Join us on Wednesday, August 14, for the 2015 version of Disney's Cinderella, and on Wednesday, August 21, for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Both movies portray Christian themes and are kid-friendly. See the bulletin for more details.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made our Feast Day such a wonderful celebration! Let me know if you have any thoughts on our annual parish picnic/festivities.
This year’s Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is on Sunday, July 14th! Our procession following the 11:00am Mass will end at School Street School, where we'll have an afternoon-long celebration.
Not walking in the procession? Join us at 1:00pm at School Street School. Parking is available in the lower lot (Liberty Street).
Vacation Bible School, "Radical Ride," is right around the corner.Turn in your registration forms (available in the Narthex) ASAP to secure your child’s spot.
This year’s Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is next Sunday, July 14th! Our procession following the 11:00am Mass will end at School Street School, where we'll have an afternoon-long celebration.
Coming to the Feast? Bring a potluck dish to share! Scan the QR code in the bulletin to sign up. For more information, please contact the Parish Office: (973) 334-1017 or by email.
Save the Date for this year’s Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Sunday, July 14th! Our procession following the 11:00am Mass will end at School Street School, where we'll have an afternoon-long celebration.
Our opportunity to give beyond the tithe this month is the Diocesan Appeal for Latin & South American Ministries and Catholic Relief Services. For more information and to give online, click here.
Happy Father's Day to all our dads! Check out the bulletin for my reflection in honor of the day.
Congratulations to all our recent graduates! Click here to read my Headmaster Charge for OLMC School's class of 2024.
Congratulations to all those who received the sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday, May 23rd.
Thank you to everyone who made our Annual Golf Classic a huge success. We raised more than $60,000 for our educational ministries, and our 50-50 winner took home $22,900!
For this year's diocesan-wide Corpus Christi Food Drive, we've been asked to collect pasta, pasta sauce, and toothpaste. Please bring donations next weekend (June 1st & 2nd), and consider contributing to the appeal online.
Join us this Thursday evening for a glimpse into a classical classroom. William Perales, Director of the Saint Ambrose Center at the University of Dallas, will help us explore the classical Catholic difference in education.
Due to widespread food insecurity in the diocese, Bishop Sweeney is requesting our support of Catholic Charities’ Corpus Christi Food Drive. We’ve been asked to give pasta, pasta sauce, and toothpaste to the collection. Donation bins will be placed in the Narthex on the weekend of June 1st and 2nd. Thank you for your generosity. Monetary contributions will also be accepted by visiting
Want to win up to $50,000? Buy your 50/50 tickets today. Please visit the website to purchase.
This year’s OLMC Golf Outing and Parish Dinner will be held on Monday, May 20 at Knoll Country Club - all are invited to attend. To register, please visit
Our annual May Crowning will take place at the 11:00am Mass on Sunday, May 5th. All children who have received their First Holy Communion this year are invited to participate in the procession. A short practice will be held in the church on Wednesday, April 24th at 6:00pm (requested, not required). For further details please contact the parish office (973) 334-1017.
All are invited to participate in the National Day of Prayer. The day will be marked by a prayer service in front of Boonton Town Hall on Thursday, May 2nd at 12:00noon; we will pray for our families, schools, churches, businesses, government, and leaders (local, state and national). All are invited. In the event of rain, the service will be held at the First Reformed Church on Washington Street.
President Harry S. Truman proclaimed a National Day of Prayer to be observed on July 4, 1952. Each year since that date, Americans have observed the day in their own way. The observance was moved to the first Thursday in May by President Ronald Reagan and has been proclaimed every year since.
Bible Study: The Chosen, Season 1. Join us for an 8-week journey through the first season of the hit series (and a Father Daniel favorite), The Chosen, and the Scripture passages that inspired it. We will meet on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:15pm, beginning on April 16th. For more information, see the flyers in the narthex or contact Catherine Porter at
On Wednesday April 17th at 9 :00am and Thursday, April 18th at 6:00pm we will be hosting Sal Salvo, co-founder of Summit Financial for a stewardship seminar with insights on financial and legacy planning through tax savings and elimination strategies. Please see this week’s bulletin on how to register or contact Ivan Arocho (, Director of Stewardship, for more information.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, April 12 from 7:00 to 9:00pm. High school students meet in Gordon Hall, and middle school students meet in the school gym. All are welcome to join!
Join us this weekend for a Divine Mercy Feast! Lunch will be served following the 11:00am mass.
The Eucharist will be exposed for adoration at 2:00pm.
Confessions will be heard from 2:00 to 3:00pm.
We will conclude our time together with recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in the church at 3:00pm.
The Parish Office will be closed on Easter Monday.
Our beyond-the-tithe challenge for this Lent is Several Sources, a well-known local charity that saves babies’ lives and shelters their young mothers. With only 35 donations, we're almost halfway home -- Give to this great work today
Join us for Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent at 6:00pm in English, followed by Soup Supper in Gordon Hall. Activities and pizza will be available in the school gym for children ages 4 and up. Volunteers are needed. To contribute by providing soup or helping out with the suppers, please see the bulletin or contact the parish office.
Spanish Stations of the Cross will begin at 7:00pm.
A huge, heartfelt thank you to all who made the Soup Supper Fridays in Lent so special! We had an amazing variety of delicious soups, made even better by the fellowship - and great breakout activities for our children thanks to our Youth Ministry, Religious Education, American Heritage Girls and Trail Life. Thank you to all the many selfless volunteers helping with setup, cleanup and everything in between. It takes a village - and we're so grateful to be part of such a wonderful community!
Thank you to the Boy Scouts for their service work this past weekend. The boys cleaned up the cemetery and replaced the four missing posts for the outdoor Stations of Cross next to the Church. Well done!
Our Lenten Mission is on Monday at 6:30pm in the church. We'll welcome Fr. Glenn Sudano, one of the founding friars of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, to lead us in a Eucharistic Encounter. A number of priests will be present to hear confessions.
Our Lent 2024 webpage is now live. Check it out and join us throughout the season.
Our Lenten Mission is right around the corner. We'll welcome Fr. Glenn Sudano, one of the founding friars of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, to lead us in a Eucharistic Encounter. Join us March 18th from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
Our beyond-the-tithe challenge for this Lent is Several Sources, a well-known local charity that saves babies’ lives and shelters their young mothers. Our goal is to raise at least $20,000 for this great work. Give today.
We have a great Lenten retreat with REFORM scheduled for Saturday, March 9th. Check out more details on our Lent page.
The Little Black Book of Lent and Easter readings is available at the back of the Church. These 6-minute reflections are a great way to pray and meditate through the Lenten and Easter seasons. Please take one home.
Men's and women's groups continue throughout Lent.
OLMC will be hosting a Fish Fry provided by Tastefully British on Friday, March 1 from 6:00 to 8:00pm in the gym. To order, check it out online or pick up an order form in the Narthex. All orders must be received by Sunday, February 25.
Naomi Pride is hosting a bake sale after Masses this weekend to raise money for her American Heritage Girls project -- a new garden feature to foster devotion at our Shrine of Saint Therese. The items will be sold by donation (cash or Venmo)!
This month’s opportunity to give beyond the tithe is for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Check it out here.
Ash Wednesday is on February 14th. Masses will be at 7:00am, 8:00am (with the school) and 7:00pm. Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes will be at 12:00pm and 4:00pm. Check out the bulletin for more of our Lenten programming.
We're burning blessed palms on Monday, February 12th. If you have palms from last Lent lying around, drop them off in the church between now and then.
Catholic Schools Week begins tomorrow. We have two events coming up to help you discover the OLMC difference:
An open house on Sunday (10:00am - 1:00pm) that will include our new Montessori Pre-K atrium.
A school tour on Friday (9:00am - 10:30am) that will feature a showcase of the OLMC experience.
Give beyond the tithe this month to a worthy cause: our parish cemetery. To donate online, choose the Cemetery Fund under Parish Campaigns.
December’s opportunity to give beyond the tithe is for the Retirement Fund for Religious. For more information and to give now, click here.
We will mark the beginning of Catholic Schools Week with an OLMC/LGA Open House on Sunday, January 28th from 10:00am to 1:00pm on OLMC’s campus. This will be a drop-in event and a fantastic opportunity to share the beauty of the OLMC/LGA experience with friends, family, and fellow parishioners. Please plan to bring others, and let our light shine before all!
A new session of Financial Peace University will begin on Sunday, January 14th. The deadline to register is January 10th. For more information or to sign up, click here.
OLMC’s Annual Christmas Ornament is now available for purchase. Fill out the form (attached and in the church narthex) and return it to us to get yours.
On New Year’s Day (the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God) there will be only one Mass at 12:00pm.
Our Christmas Mass schedule is as follows:
December 24th: 4:00pm, 6:00pm
December 25th: 12:00am (carols begin at 11:30pm), 9:00am, 11:00am
We've partnered with Hallow, the Catholic prayer app (that I use almost every day!). Pray through East Sunday for just a dollar - we'll cover the rest! Check it out today.
Plan to attend this year's Lessons and Carols service on Gaudete Sunday. Our solemn celebration of God's Word will be held at 3:00pm on Sunday, December 17th.
The Little Blue Book of Advent and Christmas readings is available at the back of the Church. These 6-minute reflections are a great way to pray and meditate through the Advent and Christmas seasons. Please take one home.
Advent by Candlelight is an evening of prayer and fellowship for the women of OLMC. Join us for the evening of Saturday, December 9th -- check the bulletin for more information.
LGA's Pro-life Club will be holding a baby gear drive next weekend (12/9-10), benefiting the Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center. Donations of diapers and gently used baby items can be brought to the narthex at all Masses.
Our TrailLife group is hosting Breakfast with Saint Nicholas on Sunday, December 10th from 8:00am to 1:00pm. Free-will donations will be accepted. Walk-ins are welcome, but seating is limited. Reserve your spot at:, and see the bulletin for more details.
On Friday, December 8th, we'll host a Light of the World Tour from 9:00 to 10:30am. Discover how OLMC School’s approach to education awakens children’s imaginations, inspires their minds, and inflames their hearts. Register now to save your spot.
We celebrate the Immaculate Conception this week with Masses on Thursday, 12/7 at 7:00pm and Friday, 12/8 at 8:00am (with the school children) and 12:00pm.
Our High School and Middle School Youth Ministries will meet on Friday, December 8th from 7:00 to 9:00pm. Please email us for more information.
Giving Tree gifts are due back this weekend! Please wrap and return gifts - with tags attached - by Sunday, December 3rd.
Help is needed to staff our weekly Eucharistic Adoration. If you're able to sign up for a slot, please let us know.
Our Annual Gala Cocktail Reception was a huge success! Thank you for your loving support and your prayers, which sustain OLMC's educational ministry.
The Giving Tree is up in the church. Please help us give Christmas blessings to our neighbors in need - gifts with tags can be returned over the next couple of weeks.
November’s opportunity to give beyond the tithe is for Catholic Home Missions. For more information and to give now, click here.
Can't make it to our Annual Gala Cocktail Reception? You can still win big for a great cause in our silent auction.
Our Boy Scouts are selling Christmas wreaths and grave blankets. Order forms can be found in the narthex.
Our annual Parish Memorial Mass will be offered on Thursday, November 9th at 5.30pm. Check out the fliers in church for more information and to RSVP.
The 2023 Annual Gala Cocktail Reception will be held at The Mansion in Mountain Lakes on November 16th. Visit to buy tickets, become a sponsor, or purchase an ad.
The Diocesan Ministries Appeal is live. For more information and to give, click here.
October’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity is World Mission Sunday. The collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith directly aids priests, religious and lay leaders in the Pope’s missions, allowing them to minister to and uplift communities in dire need. To learn more about this initiative and to give online, please visit the Monthly Appeals section of our website.
The Solemnity of All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation, is on Wednesday, November 1st. Masses for the feast will be Tuesday evening (7:00pm), and Wednesday at 8:00am (a longer Mass with the school children) and 12:00noon.
Youth ministry meets this week on Friday, October 27th.
The Knights of Columbus will be selling $10 50/50 raffle tickets after Masses this weekend (October 14-15). Proceeds will benefit Knights of Columbus Charities.
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, October 9th and will reopen on Tuesday, October 10th at 9:00am.
We have school showcases coming up this week! OLMC School hosts a tour this Friday, and LGA will have an open house on Saturday. We're at the head of the classical school revolution in NJ -- Come and see why so many families from across the region entrust their children's education to us.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, October 13th from 7:00 to 9:00pm in Gordon Hall for high school students, and the school gym for middle school students. All teens are welcome to attend!
If you or someone you know is celebrating a 25th, 50th, or 60th+ wedding anniversary this year, let us know. A special Mass with the bishop will be held Sunday, November 12th to honor the occasion.
This is your last call to register for OLMC’s Women's Retreat, which will take place October 27th-29th. Contact Catherine Porter for more information.
The “1000 Strong Rosary for Life”, organized by LIFENET, will be said throughout New Jersey for the protection of babies in the womb. We will pray 15 decades of the rosary during Eucharistic Adoration starting at 7:00pm on Friday, October 13th.
On Saturday, October 14th at 12:00noon, we will have a public recitation of the rosary in the parking lot of Dangler Lewis and Carey Funeral Home.
Help is needed to staff our weekly Eucharistic Adoration. If you're able to sign up for a one-hour slot, please let me know.
The Diocesan Pilgrimage to the National Shrine will be on October 14th. Flyers and sign up sheets are available in the church narthex.
The Diocesan Ministries Appeal kicks off this weekend. For more information and to give, click here.
At 1:00pm this Sunday, we'll have our annual Blessing of Animals in front of the church in honor of Saint Francis. All creatures great and small are welcome!
Sign ups for our upcoming CYO basketball season have begun. Girls and boys from the 4th through 8th grade are eligible to participate. Please check the Bulletin for more details.
A new session of RCIA has started up. This is your group if you'd like to become Catholic or receive you sacraments (Confirmation, Holy Communion). Let me know if you'd like to join.
We'll begin a new book study on October 3rd. For more information, please contact Catherine Porter.
Don’t miss this special opportunity! We’re hosting a seminar on estate planning for tax savings and elimination on Wednesday September 27th at 9:00am and Thursday September 28th at 6:00pm. Please see this week’s bulletin for how to register or contact Ivan Arocho, Director of Stewardship for more information. Minimize your taxes and maximize your legacy!
Our Youth Ministries will meet this coming Friday (September 22) from 7:00 to 9:00pm. Middle School students will meet in the gym, and High School students will gather in Gordon Hall.
Our Men’s Group and Women’s Group will meet this week. Please check the bulletin for further details.
For further details on what I announced last week concerning Father Wade, please see this weekend's bulletin.
Our women's group will have an evening session this week: Tuesday at 7:00pm in the church.
The Solemnity of the Assumption is on Tuesday, August 15th. Masses will be celebrated Monday, August 14th at 7:00pm (Vigil); and on Tuesday, August 15th at 8:00am and 12:00 noon.
For a look at our Holy Days of Obligation schedule, click here.Our Women’s Group will meet on Thursday, August 17th at 1:00pm in the Parish office and our Men’s Group will meet at 6:30am on Saturday, August 19th in Gordon Hall.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, August 11th from 7:00 to 9:00pm. High School students will meet in Gordon Hall, and Middle School students will meet in the school gym.
Men’s Group meets Saturday, August 5th at 6:30am in Gordon Hall.
Our Women’s Group will have an evening session this week, meeting on Tuesday at 7:00pm in the Church.
The registration deadline for Religious Education is quickly approaching. Please be sure to register by July 31 to avoid late fees.
Lumen Gentium Academy will host an Information Night on Wednesday, August 2 at 6:30pm in Gordon Hall. Come and learn more about the dynamic learning community at LGA!
The registration deadline for Religious Education is quickly approaching. Please be sure to register by July 31 to avoid late fees.
July’s opportunity to give beyond the tithe is for three missions in one collection: 1. Catholic Communications Campaign, 2. Black and Indian Missions, and 3. Catholic University of America:
Produces and distributes a variety of media projects including television documentaries that examine spiritual themes, Christmas and Easter specials, and public service campaigns about issues of national importance.
Aid received goes to the evangelization of the Gospel message to the most rural areas of our country as well as the most populated inner cities.
Educates future Church leaders and provides them with the assets needed to excel in their chosen field. The funds received will allow Catholic University to continue its service to the Church and provide scholarships to students who would not otherwise be able to attend the University.
Thank you to everyone who helped with our Feast Day last weekend. It was a wonderful day of celebration and fellowship!
Our opportunity to give beyond the tithe this month is in support of Latin and South American ministries and Catholic Relief Services. For more information and to give online, visit the Monthly Appeals page of our website.
This year's Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is upon us! Our procession with the statue of Our Lady will follow the 11:00am Mass. Whether or not you walk, join us for lunch at 1:00pm (School Street School).
Feast Day Parking and Venue Information: For those in need of accessible parking, please use the School Street Parking lot on Liberty Street. The entrance to the dining room is on that level. There will be entertainment in the dining room after lunch; fun and games will be on the field.
Join us for this year’s Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Sunday, July 16! Following the 11:00am Mass, there will be a short procession through town and an afternoon-long celebration on the grounds of School Street School. If you'd like to contribute a dish for the Potluck Lunch, please see the bulletin for more details, and sign up here.
Vacation Bible School is back at OLMC. Join us for Marvelous Mystery: The Mass Comes Alive! Registration forms are due back this weekend (July 2).
Join us for Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament accompanied by praise and worship music on Friday, July 14th from 7:00 to 8:00pm. All are welcome.
The Diocesan Pilgrimage to the National Shrine will be on October 14th. Let us know if you’d like to attend.
Vacation Bible School is back at OLMC. Join us for Marvelous Mystery: The Mass Comes Alive! Registration forms are available in the church narthex and the rectory office.
Save the date for our parish feast day, July 16th. We’ll carry the statue of Our Lady in procession after the 11:00am Mass, and finish up with food, fun, and fellowship at School Street School to follow.
The diocesan-wide Corpus Christi Food Drive is this weekend. Please bring donations of pasta, pasta sauce, and toothpaste to the church, and consider contributing to the appeal online.
The Beyond-the-Tithe opportunity for May is Peter’s Pence. This national collection enables the Pope to respond with emergency financial assistance to requests to aid the neediest throughout the world-those who suffer as a result of war, oppression, and natural disasters. It also provides the faithful with an opportunity to not only empower the weak, defenseless, and voiceless, but also to comfort those who suffer. Visit our website at to donate online.
Happy Mother's Day (weekend)! Check out my bulletin article this week for a few words in celebration of our moms.
Help us make this year's OLMC Golf Outing and Parish Dinner a huge success, whether or not you're planning to come. Check out our website to see how. I know you'll want in on the Super 50-50.
Our Women’s Group and Men’s Group will meet this week. Please check the bulletin for more information.
Our annual May Crowning will take place Sunday, May 7, at the close of the 11 am Mass.
Our Youth Ministries for both High School and Middle School are meeting this week. We're especially excited to host a youth retreat (check out the flyer) for our 14- to 18-year olds, which runs the evenings of Wednesday through Friday (May 10, 11, and 12).
This year's OLMC Golf Outing and Parish Dinner will be held on Monday, May 15 at Knoll Country Club. Whether or not you're swinging the sticks, join us for an evening of fun and friendship. Register at
Not planning to come, but still want to win big? Get in on the Super 50-50 here!
Our Women’s Group and Men’s Group will meet this week. Please check the bulletin for more information.
Youth ministry meets again this coming Friday (April 28). All middle- and high-school students are encouraged to attend.
Thank you for all for contributing to this year's Lenten almsgiving project, the Boonton Food Pantry. We raised nearly $20,000 for our neighbors in need.
Thank you for your generosity in contributing to this year's Lenten almsgiving project, the Boonton Food Pantry. We still have neighbors who can use your help, so let's make one last push for the cause! You can see our tally and give online here.
Join us Divine Mercy Weekend for a special showing of the Carlo Acutis Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit. The display will be set up in Gordon Hall on Saturday April 15th (8:30-10:30am and 3:00-5:00pm) and Sunday April 16th (10:00am-2:00pm).
Join us for an 8-week book study of Father Jacques Philippe’s The Eight Doors of the Kingdom: Meditations on the Beatitudes, beginning April 18. Registration forms can be found in the narthex and are due by April 6. For more information, please contact Catherine Porter (
year, our Lenten almsgiving project is the Boonton Food Pantry. Let’s raise at least $25,000 to feed the hungry and help fight off food insecurity for our beloved neighbor. You can give online here.
On Monday evenings during Lent, please join us for “Welcome Home to Healing.” Confession is offered 7:00-8:30pm through March 27th. All parishes in the diocese participate; however, we will also offer Adoration during this time.
Stations of the Cross are recited every Friday in Lent at 6:00pm. We also invite you to join us in Gordon Hall afterwards for soup and fellowship!
us on the morning of Saturday, March 25th, in the Church for our Lenten Retreat on Prayer. The morning of reflection will cover topics including the fruits of prayer, various ways to pray, and how to approach challenges in prayer. For more information, see the flier in the narthex.
Please consider sponsoring a mom in need by purchasing a blessing bag or providing a donation. A flier and donation form can be found in the Narthex with more details provided. Thank you for your support.
With great sadness I bring to you the news of Sr. Lois Curry's passing. Sr. Lois served OLMC faithfully for two decades, and her generosity of spirit left an indelible mark on so many of our lives. Requiescat in pace!
Join us this Friday (March 10th) for our last school showcase and tour of the year. Discover how our classical approach to education awakens children's imaginations, inspires their minds, and inflames their hearts for lives of eternal purpose. Register online and consider bringing a friend!
Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday. Masses will be at 7:00am, 8:00am (with OLMC School) and 7:00pm. For a Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes, join us at 12:00pm or 4:00pm.
We will host a 4-part Lenten Series on Prayer during Lent. Join us Fridays at 7:00pm in the Hinds Room beginning February 24.
Our Lent 2023 webpage is now live. Check it out, and join us throughout the season.
OLMC Men's group meets the morning of February 18th at 6:30am. If you can't get to us this time, consider joining us for Lent. Let me know if you'd like more information.
February’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity is the diocesan appeal for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This call responds to the challenge of rebuilding the Church after decades of communist oppression. To learn more about this initiative and to give online, please visit the Monthly Appeals section of our website.
Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday. Masses will be at 7:00am, 8:00am (with OLMC School) and 7:00pm. For a Liturgy of the Word and Distribution of Ashes, join us at 12:00pm or 4:00pm.
All parish youth currently in high school or eighth grade are invited to join OLMC’s trip to Franciscan University’s Youth Conference from July 7th through 9th. Registration forms are available in the church narthex.
Our next Youth Ministry night will be Friday, February 10th from 7:00 to 9:00pm. All middle school and high school teens are welcome. More details can be found in the Bulletin.
Our distributor for our monthly giving envelopes experienced a delay in mailing out February’s shipment. If you wish to give, please place your gift in a small envelope, write your name on it, and place it in the offertory boxes in the back of the church.
OLMC Men's group is next Saturday morning (February 4th) at 6:30am. Fraternity has always been an important aspect of Christian life, made all the more essential by a widespread loss of friendship in our culture. Our men's group is a vibrant group of guys of every age and profession. We're mission-minded people, and we'd love to welcome more members (even though there are more than 60 of us who attend when we can). Join us!
Join us at the school next Sunday (open house) and/or the Friday following (school tour) to discover the OLMC Difference, and see how we're forming children to light up the world as the scholars, citizens, and saints of tomorrow!
If you’re in need of a New Year’s Resolution, consider joining us for a new session of Financial Peace University. The nine classes, which focus on your achieving financial peace and freedom, will be held online and in person at OLMC beginning Sunday, January 29th. Scholarships are available for anyone who is interested.
Our women's group (January 24) and our youth group (January 27) both meet this week.
We mourn the loss of Pope Benedict XVI, who died on December 31st. In this week’s bulletin article, I take a look at the late Pontiff's influence on my life.
A new 10-part Bible Study focused on the Early Church will begin January 3rd. Let me know if you'd like to join.
Our women's group (January 10) and our youth group (January 13) both meet this week.
OLMC’s Annual Christmas Ornament is now available for purchase and will be sold after all Masses on the weekend of December 10th and 11th. The cost is $20 and makes a wonderful gift for you or your loved one. Order forms can be found in the back of the Church. See more details in the Bulletin.
To reflect our commitment to be a generous people, we tithe one weekend’s collection to these diocesan-facilitated causes. Thanks to your good stewardship, we are able to support these activities without the use of a second collection. But we also encourage you to go beyond the tithe personally when and where you can. If you are so called, this month’s national collection is the Retirement Fund for Religious:
Religious communities in the United States do not have sufficient income and savings to provide for retired women and men religious. Many religious nuns, sisters, priests, and brothers worked for years for small stipends and now leave their religious communities with a tremendous gap in retirement funding. Please visit for more information or to make an online donation.
To give to our Christmas flowers collection, check out our parish campaigns on the parishioner portal.
Our Christmas Mass schedule is as follows:
December 24: 4:00pm, 6:00pm
December 25: 12:00am (carols begin at 11:30pm), 9:00am. 11:00am
Bambinelli Blessing - Blessing of Baby Jesus - Children are asked to bring the Baby Jesus (or one they have made) from their creche to be blessed before all Masses the weekend of December 17th and 18th.
Our Men’s Group will meet on Saturday, December 17th at 6:30am.
Our Young Adults Group will meet on Friday, December 16th at 8:00pm
The Lumen Gentium Chanticleers for Life are hosting a baby item drive this weekend. Please see the flyers in the narthex for more details.
Our Women’s Group will meet on Tuesday, December 13th from 7:00 to 8:30pm in the Church.
Join us for our Lessons and Carols service to experience the joy and beauty of this Advent season, held on Sunday, December 12th at 3:00pm in the church. A light reception of hot chocolate and cookies will follow.
Our parish is hosting an Advent Mission with the Nashville Dominican Sisters on Saturday, December 10 in the OLMC school gym. A coffee reception will begin at 9:30am followed by a reflection at 10am. Families are welcome to join.
The Little Blue Book of Advent and Christmas readings is available at the back of the Church. These 6 minute reflections are a great way to pray and meditate through the Advent and Christmas seasons. Please take one home.
The women of the parish are invited to attend Advent by Candlelight, an evening of beauty, inspiration, and friendship on Saturday, December 10th. Please register online or by picking up a form in the narthex.
Holy Day schedule - Immaculate Conception, 12/8:
Wednesday, 12/7 at 7:00pm Vigil Mass
Thursday, 12/8 at 7:00am, 8:00am and Noon
On Friday, December 9th, OLMC School will be hosting a Light of the World Tour from 9:00 to 10:30am. Discover how OLMC’s approach to education awakens our children’s imaginations, inspires their minds, and inflames their hearts. To register, please visit
The Giving Tree for Boonton’s Annual Christmas Drive - all gifts are due back this weekend. Please wrap the gifts with the tag attached by Sunday, December 4th. Thank you for your generosity.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering for high school and middle school students will be held on Friday, December 9th from 7:00 to 9:00pm. All are welcome.
The in-pew portion of the Diocesan Ministries Appeal will be conducted this weekend. Check out Bishop Sweeney's appeal video and give today.
To celebrate All Saints Day (a Holy Day of Obligation) this year, we will have Masses on Monday at 7:00pm, and Tuesday at 7:00am, 8:00am (a solemn sung Mass with the school), and 12:00pm.
On November 2nd at 5:00pm in the church we will host our annual memorial Mass to pray for and honor the memory of our recently deceased parishioners. More information and registration forms are in the church narthex and the rectory office. All forms are due back by Monday, October 24.
Our women's group, men's group, and young adults' group all meet this week. Be in touch if you need more information.
Save the date! The 2022 Annual Gala Cocktail Reception will be held at the Birchwood Manor in Whippany on November 19th. Visit to buy tickets, become a sponsor or purchase an ad.
English as a Second Language tutoring will be offered on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 6:30pm in the Hinds Room. Please see the bulletin or contact the rectory for more information.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be on Friday from 7:00 to 9:00pm. All children in high school and middle school are invited to attend.
The diocesan Gold and Silver Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, November 6th at 3:00pm, at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Paterson. Registration is open for any couples celebrating their 25th, 50th and 60+ years of marriage. Registration forms are available in the church narthex and must be submitted to the rectory office no later than October 6th. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Join us for our next “Light of the World” school tour on Friday, and get a first-hand look at the OLMC experience. Please register as soon as possible, because slots fill up quickly. If your schedule allows, come to our 8:00am Mass with the students.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, October 14th from 7:00 to 9:00pm in Gordon Hall for high school students, and the school gym for middle school students.
On Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 12 noon, there will be a rosary rally in the parking lot of Dangler Lewis and Carey Funeral Home in Boonton. This prayer rally will take place all across the United States to petition Our Lady of Fatima to strengthen and safeguard the American people. Please join us in this public witness of faith.
Mark Signorelli, Headmaster of Lumen Gentium Academy, will be on hand after the 9:00 and 11:00am Masses on Sunday, October 16th to meet parishioners and answer your questions about LGA. Please stop by and welcome Mark to the OLMC community! Light refreshments will be served.
The deadline to sign up for CYO basketball is Monday, October 10. Please see the bulletin for more details.
The New Jersey Area of the Order of Malta is sponsoring a Rosary Walk this Sunday, October 9 in our Diocese. Bishop Sweeney will lead the faithful in a mile-long Rosary procession starting at 3 PM from the grounds of St. Paul Inside the Walls in Madison to St. Thomas More Church in Convent Station to pray the Glorious Mysteries. Please join Bishop Sweeney and your fellow parishioners throughout the Diocese as we unite as Catholics to embrace the beautiful gift given to us in the Rosary.
Sign ups have begun for CYO basketball! Please see the flyer in the church narthex or bulletin for contact information.
Our Young Adult Group will meet twice this week. On Friday evening (October 7th), the group will meet at 7:00pm in the church for Eucharistic Adoration, with fellowship to follow in the school courtyard at 8:00pm. On Saturday (October 8th), young adults and their families are invited to join the group for apple picking. Please be in touch for more information.
Following the 11:00am Mass on Sunday, October 2nd, we will have the Blessing of the Animals in honor of St. Francis. Gather with your pets in front of the church - all creatures great and small are welcome!
Our Women’s Group will meet on Tuesday, October 4th at the AMC Theater at 7:00pm to watch the new film, No Greater Love, a movie about the life of Mother Theresa of Calcutta. Please purchase your ticket in advance.
Our next Men’s Group meeting is Saturday, October 1st in Gordon Hall. The meeting begins at 6:30am, but all are welcome to come early to enjoy fellowship, breakfast and coffee.
We will host a Moms’ Morning of Recollection this Tuesday, September 27th, in the church from 10:00am to 12:00 noon.
Trail Life Troop 514 is hosting an informational meeting on Sunday, September 25th, after the 11:00am Mass in Gordon Hall. Trail Life is open to boys in grades K-8. Join us to learn about our Christ-centered adventure program that speaks to the heart of a boy!
Join us for our Annual Pig Roast at OLMC School on Friday, September 30th at 5:45pm. Details for tickets can be found in the bulletin - don’t forget to RSVP by Friday, September 23rd for this sell-out event!
Busy Hands, our parish knitting group, will meet this Monday, September 19th at 1:00pm in the Hinds room
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, September 23rd from 7:00 to 9:00pm in Gordon Hall for high school students, and the school gym for middle school students.
A new Financial Peace University course will begin on Sunday, September 18th from 4-5pm. It will run weekly on Sundays until November 13th via Zoom. For more information, please be in touch with us.
We will be starting a new class for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults on Thursday, September 15th. If you would like to become Catholic, have not received the sacrament of Confirmation, or just want to know more about your Catholic faith, please contact us.
Our Women’s Group will meet this Tuesday, September 20th in the church at 7:00pm.
The rectory office will be closed on Fridays throughout the summer beginning June 18th.
Bible Study on the Book of Revelation begins Tuesday, September 13th, and runs for 11 weeks. Let me know you're interested, or find a sign-up form in the church narthex.
This academic year, we will have a school-day Mass at 7:00am Monday through Thursday. If you are interested in attending, please sign up for notifications with Father Wade.
In honor of the special anniversary of our parish, we are releasing the 2022 ornament for our Feast Day celebration. This year is a re-release of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel window, our first ornament in the series, which has been sold out for the past several years. Now is the time to complete your collection! You will be able to purchase at the Feast, or any time during office hours in the rectory. Order forms are available in the bulletin and church narthex.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, September 9th from 7:00-9:00pm in Gordon Hall for high school students, and the school gym for middle school students.
Our Women’s Group will meet this Tuesday, September 6th in the church at 7:00pm.
Men's Group next meets the morning of Saturday, September 3rd. Join us - you'll be thankful you did. Send Father Daniel a note for more information.
Our Women’s Group will meet this Tuesday, August 23rd. To join this vibrant, loving group of women in prayer and fellowship, simply come as you are to the church at 7:00pm.
In the middle of a global pandemic, OLMC parishioners launched Lumen Gentium Academy, a high school founded on the strength and successes of OLMC School. Join us on Thursday, August 24th at 6:30pm to see what all the buzz is about. Visit LGA's website to register. Come and see how to Let Your Light Shine at LGA!
Our Men’s Group meets Saturday, August 20th. Join us at 6:30am for coffee and bagels in Gordon Hall.
This weekend (August 13-14) we welcome Father Vidal Gonzalez for the 2022 Missionary Cooperation Plan, August’s opportunity to give beyond-the-tithe. Father Gonzalez will speak on one of the destinations of the diocesan collection: livelihood projects at Our Lady of Refuge Parish in Dulag, Leyte, Philippines. You may give to the appeal in all the usual ways, including online.
Our Women’s Group will meet Tuesday, August 9th in the church at 7:00pm.
July’s beyond the tithe opportunity is the diocesan appeal for: 1. Catholic Communications Campaign, 2. Black and Indian Missions, and 3. Catholic University of America. Envelopes for this mission are dated this weekend, or you may give directly online.
The reduced rate for CCD registration is in effect now until July 31st. Please return forms to the parish office this week.
This is the last week to submit requests for 2023 Mass intentions. Please stop by the parish office or submit requests online before the end of July.
Our Women's Group will meet the evening of Tuesday, July 26. Please join us!
Our 2023 Mass book opening will be held during the month of July this year. Forms and more information will be provided later this month.
The Feast of OLMC marking the 175th Anniversary of our parish will be celebrated on Sunday, July 17. Join us.
Join us for Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament accompanied by praise and worship music on Friday, July 15th from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.
This is the last week to register for Vacation Bible School. Registration forms for the program, which runs during the week of July 18th, are available in the church narthex or the rectory office.
Please keep our youth ministry students in your prayers this weekend. They are at Franciscan University for the weekend to participate in this year’s retreat, Fearless.
June’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity is the diocesan appeal for South American and Latin American Mission and Catholic Relief Services. To learn more about this initiative and to give online, please visit the Monthly Appeals section of our website.
There's much to say about the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but this isn't really the place to do so. You can find my preliminary comments on our parish's Facebook page, and I'm happy to talk with anyone about where we go from here.
Men's and women's groups meet this week: women Tuesday evening (7:00pm June 28 in the church), and men on Saturday morning (6:30am July 2 in Gordon Hall). Feel free to email me for more information.
This weekend (June 18-19) is the Diocesan-wide Corpus Christi Food Drive. Bishop Sweeney has asked our parish to collect pasta, pasta sauce, and toothpaste. Food for the collection can be dropped off in the designated boxes located in the church narthex. You can also contribute financially: checks can be made payable to Catholic Charities or you can give online.
Father Wade's family sent a special thank you to us last week. You can find it in this weekend's bulletin.
At the end of the ordination Mass (May 28) Bishop Sweeney announced the new priests’ first assignments. You will no doubt be pleased to know that Father Wade will be staying at OLMC to help support and strengthen our growing community.
Join us Tuesday, June 7th (10:00am-12:00 noon) in the church for a Morning of Recollection for Moms.
For the month of May, we’ll have an image of the Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady of Pochaev displayed in the church narthex. We encourage you to pray the novena, a Ukrainian devotion, during the month. You can find copies of the novena on the Adoration table, near the image - it is also printed in this weekend’s bulletin.
May’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity is the diocesan appeal for Peter’s Pence, which enables the Pope to respond with emergency financial assistance to requests to aid the neediest throughout the world-those who suffer as a result of war, oppression, and natural disasters. To learn more about this initiative and to give online, please visit the Monthly Appeals section of our website.
Father Wade Trainor’s first Mass is Sunday, 5/29 at 11:00am. Pot-luck reception to follow in the school gym. Please consider preparing a favorite dish for the celebration - you may contact the rectory office to let us know what you’ll be bringing.
Our own Deacon Wade Trainor will be ordained a priest today! The Mass of Ordination will be at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, and streamed live at 10:30am.
OLMC School Drama Club presents The Tempest! Shows are Friday and Saturday, May 20 and 21, at 7:00pm in the school auditorium.
Please keep OLMC and religious education students in your prayers as they are in the final weeks of preparation for upcoming sacraments - First Holy Communion on May 7th and Confirmation on May 13th.
Our Youth Ministry students are holding a bake sale the weekend of May 7th and 8th to help fund transportation costs to Steubenville Ohio for this year’s youth ministry conference. Baked goods will be available for sale after the 5:15pm Mass on Saturday, May 7th, and the 9:00 & 11:00am Masses on Sunday, May 8th.
Next Sunday, May 8th, is our Annual May Crowning, which will take place during the 11:00am Mass.
The LGA ProLife Club wishes to extend thanks and gratitude for your support during their Divine Mercy Diaper Drive. They raised $1050 and collected approximately 4,000 diapers!
BANNS of Ordination: Deacon Wade James Trainor will be called to the Sacred Order of the Priesthood on Saturday, May 28, 2022. If you know of any reason why this man should not be ordained a priest in the Catholic Church, please contact: Rev. Edward Rama, Vocations Director in the Diocese of Paterson, at 973-777-8818 ext 715.
Our Young Adult Group (ages 18-39) will meet the evening of Friday, May 6th. Send Father Daniel a note for more information.
Baseball hats to support the OLMC School’s baseball team will be available for sale after the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses this weekend. Thank you for your support!
Through the Worldwide Synod on Synodality, you are asked to pray and discern how the Holy Spirit is moving in and through the Church. You are encouraged to participate in-person at our evening listening session, Monday, May 2nd at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. RSVP is required as space is limited - please contact the rectory office.
April’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunities:
Good Friday - Holy Land: The Holy Land collection supports Franciscan Friars who preserve shrines and protect the landmarks of our faith. The Friars also minister to Christian families in need throughout this area now plagued by violence.
Campaign for Human Development: The Catholic Campaign for Human Development leads efforts to raise awareness and break the cycle of poverty. It emphasizes the growing number of poor Americans and its funds help alleviate the difficulties of these poor and low-income people.
Visit to donate online.
Lumen Gentium Academy’s Prolife club, Chanticleers for Life, will be holding a diaper drive and bake sale the weekend of April 23-24 after the 5:15pm Mass on Saturday, and the 9:00 & 11:00am Masses on Sunday. For more information please see the bulletin.
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed in the church on April 24th at 3:00pm.
We are collecting money to help relieve the burden of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. We will send money to Ukrainian Catholic churches to make sure that resources are received where they are most needed.
Check out our dedicated Lent page for what we’re up to this season.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, April 8th at 7:00pm in the school gym. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are encouraged to attend.
Monday is your last chance to take advantage of the diocese's Welcome Home to Healing initiative. At OLMC, we'll have Adoration in the church from 7:00pm to 8:30pm: Come for Confession and stay for some quiet time with our Eucharistic Lord.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, March 25th at 7:00pm in the school gym. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are encouraged to attend.
Join us for the next Light of the World Tour at OLMC School on Friday, March 25th. The program begins at 9:00am and lasts approximately an hour and a half. If your schedule allows, we invite you to join us beforehand for Mass at 8:00am in the Church. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet our Headmaster, hear from our pastor, teachers, and current parents, and discover the OLMC difference.
Please invite your friends and family! Babysitting will be available. Register online at
Our Young Adult Group (ages 18-39) will meet the evening of Friday, March 18th. Send Father Daniel a note for more information.
Registration forms (due back on Tuesday, March 15!) are available in the church narthex for our Youth Ministry trip to Steubenville, Ohio this July! Completed forms with $50 deposit should be dropped off to the rectory office by March 15th.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, March 11th at 7:00pm in the school gym. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are encouraged to attend.
Parish Mission: Rev. Llane Briese - Director of Liturgical Life, Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture, and Formation Advisor at Saint Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, FL - will be our guest speaker on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday evenings (March 6th-8th) at 7:00pm.
February’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity is the diocesan appeal for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe, which responds to the challenge of rebuilding the Church after decades of communist oppression. To learn more about this initiative and to give online, please visit the Monthly Appeals section of our website.
Ash Wednesday schedule of Masses/Services:
Masses: 6:30am, 8:00am, 5:00pm (Spanish), 7:00pm (English)
Liturgy of the Word with Ash Distribution: 12:00pm and 4:00pm
Burning of Palms: this Monday, 2/28 at 2:45pm on the church steps. Old palms will be collected through this Sunday (the collection basket in the church narthex).
Old palms will be collected from now until Sunday, February 27th. Please place your palms in the collection basket in the church narthex.
Last week Mr. Minson and Fr. Daniel were guests on From the Kitchen Table, the podcast of Sean Duffy and Rachel Campos Duffy, to talk about OLMC School and classical Catholic education. Check it out here.
OLMC's Men's Group meets the first and third Saturdays of the month. For more information and to get connected, please send Father Daniel a note.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, February 25th at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are encouraged to attend.
The Parish Office will be closed for President’s Day on Monday, February 21st.
Our next Women’s Group is Tuesday, February 22nd at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall.
Our Young Adult Group (ages 18-39) will meet the evening of Friday, February 18th. Send Father Daniel a note for more information.
On the subject of classical Catholic education, we have two opportunities for you to discover the OLMC educational difference. Join us and invite your family and friends:
Lumen Gentium Academy hosts an open house the evening of Thursday, February 17th.
OLMC School will hold a Light of the World tour the morning of Friday, February 18th.
Financial Peace University begins this Sunday (on Zoom, 4:00-5:00pm). Our nine-session course has helped dozens of OLMC families get out of debt and experience financial freedom. Let me know if you'd like me to get you connected with our parish coordinators.
Save the date! The Annual OLMC Golf Classic will be on Monday, May 9th at the Rockaway River Country Club. Details to follow - we hope to see you there!
Join us for the next Light of the World Tour at OLMC School on Friday, February 18th. The program begins at 9:00am and lasts approximately an hour and a half. If your schedule allows, we invite you to join us beforehand for Mass at 8:00am in the Church.. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet our Headmaster, hear from our pastor, teachers, and current parents, and discover the OLMC difference.
Please invite your friends and family! Babysitting will be available. Register online at
Join us for an Open House at Lumen Gentium Academy the evening of Thursday, February 17th. We're excited to show you around the newest initiative of the OLMC community!
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, February 11th at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are encouraged to attend.
With no national collection this month, our beyond-the-tithe opportunity is for our parish cemetery. You can find the cemetery fund in the dropdown menu of our Parish Campaigns.
Join us for an OLMC School Open House with Project Fair on Sunday, January 30th from 9:00am to 1:00pm. The event will kick off Catholic Schools Week - please plan to stop by, and bring your friends and family, too!
Our youth group will meet the evening of Friday, January 28th. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are encouraged to attend.
Our young adult group (ages 18-39) will meet for a night of prayer and fellowship on Friday, January 21st. Let me know if you'd like more details.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, January 14th at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are invited to attend.
A message from Bishop Sweeney:
Thursday evening, committees of our State Senate and Assembly forwarded a bill that would codify in state law the right to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. This legislation may be voted on by the full Senate and Assembly as hastily as this coming Monday, January 10th.Please go to the New Jersey Catholic Conference website ( to learn more about this proposed legislation and contact your Senate and Assembly representatives encouraging them to oppose and vote against this bill.
On this Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, let us recall that both John and Jesus were unborn children in their mother’s womb when Mary visited Elizabeth and heard the words, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.”
Scam Alert
Scams are quite common this time of year. Priests (and their staffs) are frequently impersonated in emails and texts.Neither I nor anyone on staff here at OLMC will ask you for these kinds of favors. We will not solicit financial support of any kind outside of our regular means of giving. Be especially aware of anyone at all asking you to buy gift cards or complete money transfers for them.
If you receive any solicitation in an email or a text that looks like it comes from me or anyone on staff, please send us a note at a trusted email address or call us on our main line.
Christmas decorations will be removed this Sunday afternoon. Anyone who wishes to bring home poinsettias should pick them up in the church after the 11:00am Mass.
Our young adult group (ages 18-39) will meet for a night of prayer and fellowship on Friday, January 7th. Let me know if you'd like more details.
A new Bible study will begin on January 11th. Registration forms should be returned to the parish office this weekend - materials will be ordered on Monday, 1/3.
December’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
Our beyond-the-tithe opportunity this month is the diocesan appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious. To learn more about this initiative and to give online, please visit the Monthly Appeals section of our website.Bambinelli Blessing
Blessing of Baby Jesuses: Children are asked to bring the Baby Jesus (or one they made) from their creche to be blessed, 12/24 before the 4:00pm Mass.If you would like to make a donation to our Christmas Flowers collection, you can either drop off the special envelope, complete the form in the church narthex, or visit our website at (choose Parish Campaign and select “flowers” from the dropdown menu)
The new OLMC Stained-Glass Ornament has arrived! You can order yours online or contact the rectory to purchase, or fill out the form in the church narthex. Ornaments will also be sold after Masses on December 11 & 12, and December 18 & 19.
Young adults (ages 18-39) are invited to a night of Adoration and fellowship on Friday, December 17th. Feel free to send me a note for more information.
Join us for our annual Advent Lessons and Carols service to experience the joy and beauty of the Advent season. We will gather for song, Scripture, and prayer Sunday, December 12th at 3:00pm in the church. A light reception of hot chocolate and cookies will follow.
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, December 10th at 7:00pm in our school gym. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are invited to attend.
On December 11th, we will host Advent by Candlelight, an elegant evening out for women. Join us for friendship, food, prayer, a special talk, and some time to reflect. You can register here or after weekend Masses in November.
Diocesan Ministries Appeal
The Diocesan Ministries Appeal is in full swing. Click here to give now!December 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, and a Holy Day of Obligation. Our Mass schedule is:
Tuesday, December 7th: Vigil Mass at 7pm (English)
Wednesday, December 8th: Mass at 8:00am and 12:00pm (English), and Mass at 7:00pm (Spanish)
We will host a Morning of Recollection for Moms in the church on Tuesday, December 7th at 10:00am.
Our Giving Tree is up! Please stop by to select an ornament and purchase a gift to support someone in need this Christmas. Please wrap all gifts and affix the ornament tag to the outside of the package and return to the church by next Sunday, December 5th. Thank you for your generosity!
The Lumen Gentium Academy Players are delighted to present their winter production of William Shakespeare's beloved classic A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
PERFORMANCES: Friday, December 3rd @ 7:00 pm and Saturday, December 4th @ 7:00 pm Tickets are $5 at the door. Children 10 years old and under are free. The box office will open at 6:30 each night.
VENUE: Sage Day School, 215 Hill St, Boonton
Young adults (ages 18-39) are invited to a night of Adoration and fellowship on Friday, December 3rd. Feel free to send me a note for more information.
Last Saturday's Gala was a huge success, bringing in over $200,000! Thank you to everyone who so generously gave their time, talent, and treasure to the effort. You can find a list of the event's sponsors here.
The diocesan Gold and Silver Wedding Anniversary Celebration is at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist this Sunday (November 7) at 3:00pm. Congratulations to all celebrating these wonderful milestones, especially John and Cathy Robben, Ron and Martha Underwood, and Joe and Lorraine Zagula
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, November 12th at 7:00pm in our school gym. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are invited to attend.
Harvest of Hope Gala - Buy Your Tickets Now
We are back to hosting our annual gala. Join us November 6 for a wonderful celebration of our parish’s education ministry.A Memorial Mass for our loved ones who have died will be held on November 1st at 5:00pm. Refreshments and fellowship to follow in Gordon Hall. Please RSVP with your name and the name of your loved one to the rectory office.
Young adults (age 18-39) are invited to a night of Adoration (7:00pm) and fellowship (8:00pm) on Friday, November 5th.
English as a Second Language
ESL Classes begin Monday, September 20. All are welcome to join the group in the Hinds Room at 7:00pm for Beginning ESL, Advanced ESL, Bible Study in Spanish, or homework help for children. Please be in touch for more information and volunteer opportunities.The Mass book for 2022 is closed for the month of October. Any requests received this month will be held until November when the 2022 book will fully open. Please contact the rectory office with any questions.
October’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
Our beyond-the-tithe opportunity this month is the diocesan appeal for World Mission Sunday. To learn more about this initiative and to give online, please visit the Monthly Appeals section of our website.Eat Ice Cream for OLMC
Chanticleer Day at Seven Scoops and Sips on Monday, October 25th! Drop in anytime between 12-9 to enjoy ice cream, smoothies, games and more - every penny earned that day will be donated to OLMC School and Parish!Blessed Carlo Acutis Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit
We will host the Carlo Acutis Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit at OLMC School on October 9th and 10th:The Word of God and the Eucharist were the center of his life. Carlo’s unwavering devotion to the Eucharist inspired him to tell the story of Eucharistic miracles through a website he created just for fun. He wanted to deepen his own knowledge of these phenomena, to strengthen his devotion to Jesus, and to invite others to grow in love for the Eucharist. The website subsequently caught the attention of people across the globe, introducing countless people to Eucharistic miracles.
Carlo died from a sudden and violent illness in 2006 at the age of fifteen. In less than a decade, his story spread across Italy and around the world. After Pope Francis declared him venerable in 2018, his beatification was celebrated in Assisi on October 10, 2020.
Rosary Coast to Coast is Sunday, October 10th. There will be a procession which begins at the Knights of Columbus in Pequannock at 3:00pm, and ends at 4:30pm. The Most Reverend Kevin J. Sweeney will deliver the Invocation and lead the Rosary. Flyers available in the church narthex and also on page 5 of the bulletin.
Our annual Rosary Rally will be held at Dangler Lewis & Carey Funeral Home, 312 West Main St., on Saturday, October 16th at 12 noon. This is a nationwide event sponsored by the America Needs Fatima Foundation. Please meet us outside to publicly honor and beseech our Blessed Mother to intercede for us and our world. Contact information will be in next week’s bulletin.
Join us for the next Light of the World Tour at OLMC School on Friday, October 15th from 8:30-10:30am. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet our Headmaster, hear from our Pastor, teachers, and current parents, and discover the OLMC difference.
See how our approach to education awakens the imagination, inspires the mind, and inflames the heart of every child!
Please invite your friends and family! Babysitting will be available. Register online at
Young adults (age 18-39) are invited to a night of Adoration at 7:00pm and fellowship in Gordon Hall at 8:00pm on Friday, October 15th.
There will be a lecture given by our own Kate Brown on the Constitution and Religious Liberty on Sunday, October 17th at 2:00pm at the County College of Morris. Flyer will be available at a later date.
Mass Intentions - Opening of the 2022 Mass Book
Our 2022 Mass Book is open. For more information and to request Masses (limited to three requests for now) visit our Mass Intentions page online or check out the form in the narthex of the church.Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, October 8th at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are welcome to attend.
The 8th grade class of OLMC School is hosting a fall plant sale this Sunday, October 3rd, after the 9am and 11am masses. Be sure to stop by and pick up some fresh fall decor!
There will be a meeting for lectors and anyone interested in becoming a lector on Thursday evening, October 7th from 7:00-8:00pm in Gordon Hall.
Blessing of Animals
On Sunday, October 3rd we will have our annual Blessing of Animals on the church steps at 12:30pm. All animals are welcome!Pig Roast - Food and Fellowship
Join us for the OLMC School Annual Pig Roast on Friday, October 1 in the school parking lot. The evening begins with Rosary at 5:45pm and is followed by food and fellowship from 6:00 to 9:00pmMini-Retreat for Moms
We will be hosting a recollection for moms on Tuesday, September 28th from 11:00am to 1:00pm in the church.Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
A special training session will be held on Thursday, September 30th at 6:30pm for all Eucharistic Ministers and anyone who would like to serve in this capacity in the future. This training will also be streamed live and recorded for those unable to attend.Financial Peace University
We are again offering Financial Peace University this fall! The course's nine sessions will be held online beginning Sunday, September 19th. We will hear from parishioners at some of our Masses this weekend as they share their insights and experiences with this life-changing program.Youth Ministry
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, September 24 at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. All teens in grades 8 through 12 are invited to attend.Young Adults (ages 18-39) Group
Our young adults are invited to a night of Adoration (7:00pm in the church) and fellowship (8:00pm in Gordon Hall) on Friday, September 17th. More details are in the bulletin.August’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
Our beyond-the-tithe opportunity this month is the Missionary Cooperation Plan. We welcome Fr. Joebert to make the appeal at all Masses August 7th and 8th. To learn more about the MCP or to give online, please visit the Monthly Appeals section of our website.Religious Education 2021-22
Registration is now open for our 2021-22 religious education program. You can find the form for information and registration here. Please bring the completed form to the rectory this week.Youth Ministry Friday, September 10
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, September 10 at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. All teens in grades 8-12 are invited to attend.OLMC School 2021-22
Please remember our families, faculty, and staff in your prayers as we begin another year of educating children for lives of eternal purpose!Flea Market Success
Thank you to all who volunteered, donated, and shopped at our OLMC Flea Market August 21st!COVID-19 Update
With due cause, we are pushing into post-pandemic life at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Please keep in mind that our efforts to return to normal here will present different challenges and obstacles to different people. Please be patient and loving to your fellow parishioners. And feel free to be in touch with me with questions and concerns as we move forward.Youth Ministry Friday, August 13
Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, August 13 at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. All teens entering grades 8 through 12 are invited to attend.Solemnity of the Assumption, 2021
The Assumption, usually a Holy Day of Obligation, falls on a Sunday this year. Our Masses next weekend will celebrate this great feast.July’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
Our beyond-the-tithe opportunity this month is the diocesan appeal for the Catholic Communication Campaign, Black and Indian Missions, and the Catholic University of America. To learn more about these initiatives or to give online, please visit the Monthly Appeals section of our website.The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Join us on Sunday, July 18th for a procession and parish celebration following the 11:00am Mass (weather permitting). All are invited to bring a favorite finger food, such as sandwiches, bite-sized hors-d'oeuvres, fruit, cookies, etc. Please contact the rectory with any questions.Prayers for Wade Trainor
Please keep Wade in your prayers as he prepares for ordination as a deacon on July 10. We will celebrate with Wade on July 11, when he returns to preach our Sunday Masses.Serve as a Lector or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
We are looking for volunteer Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. If you are willing to serve, please contact the rectory to sign up for training - we will work with your schedule.Summer Office Hours
The rectory and school offices have moved to summer hours until Labor Day. The offices will be open from 9:00am to 3:00pm Monday through Thursday.Corpus Christi Food Drive
The Corpus Christi food drive begins virtually this weekend. To participate, visit Catholic Charities' website to make a monetary donation, or to shop online to have items shipped directly to their food pantries.Donate to Support Seminarians
This weekend is an opportunity to go beyond the tithe to support Seminarian Education. This collection helps support seminarians studying to become priests for the Diocese of Paterson.June’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
Our diocesan appeal this month is for Latin & South American ministries and Catholic Relief Services. For more information the appeal, and to give online, visit our Monthly Appeals page.This weekend, June 6th, is an optional “beyond the tithe” for Father’s Day remembrances.Father’s Day Mass Remembrances
We are now collecting your intentions for our Father’s Day remembrances. If you are not using envelopes, you can find the place to donate in the parish campaigns section of our beyond the tithe webpage.COVID-19
With the spread of COVID-19 infections slowing to a trickle, we are at liberty to return to most of our pre-pandemic practices. Our Masses will no longer have capacity limitations, and physical distancing will no longer be required. Anyone inoculated against the disease is free to come without a mask.
Reflecting the above shift, New Jersey's bishops announced last week a re-implementation of the Sunday obligation beginning the weekend of June 5-6. This applies to everyone in good health who isn't in regular contact with vulnerable people. Anyone who has a cough or a fever should not come to church.
With the more extreme measures to mitigate viral transmission we've taken this year no longer being needed, we're looking to wind down the Walmart Mass. We'll continue to have our drive-in option through June 27th.
As we return to something approaching normal, I'm asking that we cultivate patience, understanding, and empathy for the people around us. The pandemic has not yet divided us as a people -- let's not allow that to happen now.
Listen Everywhere
We've now launched Listen Everywhere! If you need help hearing during Mass, LE's use of assistive technology will help. You can find it in our Pew Resources (also the QR code on our pews).May’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
This month, we tithe one of our weekly collections for Peter’s Pence, a collection for the Holy Father to provide emergency financial assistance. Give beyond your tithe by clicking here.Youth Ministry
OLMC Youth Ministry is meeting again on Friday, May 28 at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. It is open to teens in grades 8 through 12.Open House - LGA
Did you know that OLMC parishioners started a high school in the middle of a pandemic? They're excited to share the story of Lumen Gentium Academy with you at an in-person open house on May 25th.Morning of Recollection
Some of our ladies are hosting a Morning of Recollection for mothers on May 25th from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Contact the rectory for more information.Diocesan Golden Anniversary Wedding Mass
On Sunday April 25th, Bishop Sweeney will honor couples who are celebrating 50 years of marriage. This is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge, congratulate and pray for these couples who have lived their vocation so well! Please let us know if you are celebrating a 50th anniversary this year by contacting the rectory: admin@olmcboonton.orgMass Intentions and Requests
Our Mass book is now filled! Please visit our new Mass Intentions page for up-to-date information and instructions on requests to have Masses said.OLMC School Open House
We will host an in-person, outdoor open house at OLMC School on Thursday, May 6th at 6:30pm. Prospective families will have the opportunity to meet our faculty, hear from our pastor, and see what joyful learning looks like here at OLMC! Visit for more information and to register.May Crowning
The May Crowning of our Blessed Mother will be on Sunday, May 9th at the 11:00am mass. Children who received First Holy Communion can wear their suits and dresses, and participate in a procession with flowers for Our Blessed Mother.Flower Sale May 8-9
Our Lady of Mount Carmel 8th Grade students will be hosting a flower sale next weekend after masses.Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry is back! Our next meeting will be held Friday, April 30 at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall, and is open to teens in grade 8 through 12.2020 Diocesan Ministries Appeal
Our parish more than doubled our goal of $26,659 for the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. As a result of your generosity, we received a check for 50% of our over-goal collection - $13,998. Thank you for your generosity and support!April’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
This month, we tithe one of our weekly collections for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Give beyond your tithe by clicking here.RIP Medical Debt
Our Lent 2021 parish almsgiving project raised $30,000 to pay off $3M+ our neighbors’ medical debt! Check it out now.Divine Mercy Sunday
It's something of a surprise announcement, but let's have a Divine Mercy celebration on Sunday. I'll expose the Blessed Sacrament and hear confessions starting at 2:00pm, and someone will lead us in the Chaplet of Divine Mercy starting at 3:00pm.Easter Sunday Schedule
Our Easter Sunday schedule can be found online.Good Friday’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
For Good Friday, we take up the traditional Holy Land Collection. Click here to read more about the appeal and to give.Welcome Home to Healing
The diocesan initiative continues until March 22. Every parish in the Diocese of Paterson is open Monday night from 7:00 to 8:30pm for Confession. Check out their site for more information.Easter Flowers Collection
Click this link to give to our Easter Flowers Collection.February’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
This month, we tithe one of our weekly collections for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. Click here to read more about the appeal and to give.January’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
There is no diocesan appeal this month. Go beyond the tithe by giving closer to home. Check it out here.OLMC School Online Open House
Join us this Wednesday morning for an OLMC School Open House. Find out more information on our school’s website.Financial Peace University
A new session of FPU begins Sunday, January 24th 4-5pm. This course will be held online. Check out more here. Check out our parishioner testimony here.Catholic Schools Week
We will host an online open house for OLMC School on February 5. Visit the school website - - to receive more information and to register.A Call for Prayer and Fasting to End Abortion
In a public statement, the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey have asked Catholics and people of good will to join them on Friday January 22, 2021 - the 48th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade - in a Day of Prayer and Fasting to end abortion.
The National March for Life, January 29th, will be held online this year. Visit the official March for Life website to participate.Poinsettias Available
The church Christmas display will be removed after the 11:00 AM mass on Sunday, January 10th. Anyone wishing to bring home poinsettias may do so at that time: please come to the altar after Mass.Give Now to our Christmas Flower Collection
You can now give online to our Christmas Flower Collection. Honor your loved ones and contribute to the Christmas beauty of OLMC with a gift today. Click here for more.December’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
This month, we tithe one of our weekly collections for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Give beyond your tithe by clicking here.2020 OLMC Christmas Ornament
Our 2020 Christmas Ornament is in stock and ready for purchase. Purchase it here, visit our store, fill in a form (at the back of the church), or come by the rectory during business hours for yours!Live Nativity, January 3 - Canceled
Weather permitting, we will host a live nativity with caroling on January 3rd following the 11:00am Mass. We will gather in the school parking lot to share Christmas cheer. Light refreshments will be served.Mass for New Year’s Day
Join us for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God! As is our custom, we celebrate only one Mass on New Year’s Day - at 12:00 noon.Christmas Masses at OLMC
Check out all the information you need to celebrate Christmas at OLMC this year. Some of the action items are time-sensitive, so be sure to click through today.Adoration Canceled
Our Adoration, regularly scheduled from Friday after 8:00am Mass through 7:45am Saturday morning, will be cancelled on Christmas Day and New Years Day.Lessons and Carols
We look forward to celebrating Advent well with Lessons and Carols on December 13 at 3:00pm in front of the church.Christmas Giving Tree
Our giving tree is now up in the church. Please take a tag - gifts are due back December 6. For more information, please contact’s Beyond-the-Tithe Opportunity
This month, we tithe one of our weekly collections for Catholic Home Missions. Give beyond your tithe by clicking here.Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - December 11th/12th
Join our Spanish community for a Mass in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The celebration will begin December 11th at 11:00pm, and will last until 1:00am in the morning. For more information, please contact 8 - Immaculate Conception
Although the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, we are still honoring the feast with our regular schedule of Masses. Check it out here.Canceled
Youth Ministry - Friday, November 20 at 7:00pm
OLMC’s Youth Ministry, for students in 8th grade through high school, will next meet Friday, 11/20 in Gordon Hall at 7:00pm. Please contact Faith Rose for more information.(Date Change) School Open House: an Evening at OLMC
On Thursday November 5th at 6:00pm, OLMC School will host its first Open House of the year. You can find more information on our school site here.Diocesan Ministries Appeal
Pledge and give online to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal (formerly the Bishop’s Annual Appeal). You can also find more on our beyond-the-tithe page.