Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a tithing parish, and we are responding to God’s call to go beyond the tithe.
To reflect our commitment to be a generous people, we tithe one weekend’s collection to these diocesan-facilitated causes. Thanks to your good stewardship, we are able to support these activities without the use of a second collection.
But we also encourage you to go beyond the tithe personally when and where you can. If you are so called, give sacrificially to these and the other causes we have highlighted on our giving pages.
“Consider this... whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”
February - Church in Central and Eastern Europe
The Collection to Aid the Church in Central and Eastern Europe responds to the challenge of rebuilding the Church after decades of communist oppression. The collection funds projects that are aimed at helping the church dig out from under the rubble of communist ruin and respond to the religious aspirations of the people.
April (Good Friday) - Holy Land
The Holy Land collection supports Franciscan Friars who preserve shrines and protect the landmarks of our faith. The Friars also minister to Christian families in need throughout this area now plagued by violence.
April - Campaign for Human Development
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development leads efforts to raise awareness and break the cycle of poverty. It emphasizes the growing number of poor Americans and its funds help alleviate the difficulties of these poor and low-income people.
May - Peter’s Pence
The collection for the Holy Father enables the Pope to respond with emergency financial assistance to requests to aid the neediest throughout the world-those who suffer as a result of war, oppression, and natural disasters. It also provides the faithful with an opportunity to not only empower the weak, defenseless, and voiceless, but also to comfort those who suffer.
June - South American and Latin American Mission and Catholic Relief Services
Support to this mission provides funding for hundreds of projects, including catechetical and lay leadership programs, youth ministry, evangelization projects and formation programs for religious, priests and deacons in over twenty countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Bishops’ Overseas Relief, now know as The Catholic Relief Services Collection, brings efforts focused on emergency relief, human development and peace initiative around the world. The collection supports Catholic Church agencies engaged in refugee resettlement, legal immigration, peacemaking, pastoral care, and advocacy for a more just and peaceful world.
June (Father’s Day) - Seminarian Education
This collection helps support seminarians studying to become priests for the Diocese of Paterson.
July - 1. Catholic Communications Campaign, 2. Black and Indian Missions, 3. Catholic University of America
1. Produces and distributes a variety of media projects including television documentaries that examine spiritual themes, Christmas and Easter specials, and public service campaigns about issues of national importance.
2. Aid received goes to the evangelization of the Gospel message to the most rural areas of our country as well as the most populated inner cities.
3. Educates future Church leaders and provides them with the assets needed to excel in their chosen field. The funds received will allow Catholic University to continue its service to the Church and provide scholarships to students who would not otherwise be able to attend the University.
August - Missionary Cooperation Plan
Visiting missionaries come from various countries of the world to speak and request aid for their countries. The aid assists them with unbreakable task of proclaiming the Word of God to their followers, especially since their limited resources do not allow them to.
October - World Mission Sunday
As the Holy Father has said, “The offerings that will be collected on World Mission Sunday are destined for a common fund of solidarity, distributed among missions and missionaries of the entire world.” Its committee helps coordinate Catholic U.S. overseas mission efforts and works with the Pontifical Missionary Societies to encourage, support and foster mission efforts in the United States.
November - Catholic Home Missions
Nearly half of our country is considered mission territory. This appeal helps our brothers and sisters here in the United States who do not have access to basic pastoral services like Mass, the sacraments, and religious education. Through your support, the Catholic Home Missions Appeal helps these mission dioceses form vibrant faith communities and strengthens the Church at home.
December - Retirement Fund for Religious
Religious communities in the United States do not have sufficient income and savings to provide for retired women and men religious. Many religious nuns, sisters, priests, and brothers worked for years for small stipends and now leave their religious communities with a tremendous gap in retirement funding.
The Retirement Fund for Religious is an annual collection that raises funds to distribute to eligible religious communities across the country to provide for the immediate needs of senior members and to prepare for future retirement expenses. In 2019 alone, the annual cost of care for senior religious was more than $1.1 billion. Your generosity today provides vital support for prescription medications, nursing care, and more.