An individual may ask a priest to offer a Mass for several reasons: for example, in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person (such as on a birthday), or, as is most common, for the repose of the soul of someone who has died.

In raising this prayer [of the Mass] to the Father of lights, from whom comes every good endowment and every perfect gift, the Church believes that she will be heard, for she prays in union with Christ her Head and Spouse, who takes up this plea of His Bride and joins it to His own redemptive sacrifice.
— Pope Saint John Paul II: Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 43

The 2025 Mass Intention Book will be fully open on October 1, 2024.

NEW! Beginning in January 2025, the Mass Intention Book will be open for twelve (12) months on a rolling schedule starting the first of each month. (E.g. You can request a January 2026 Mass Intention anytime on or after January 1st, 2026.)

Mass Intentions cannot be scheduled more than one year in advance.

  1. Mass Intention Request & Mass Cards

  2. Contact Us

  3. Additional Resources

Request a Mass Intention

In an effort to better serve our parishioners, Our Lady of Mount Carmel is now using Parish Solutions - Mass Intentions Program.

Click here, to submit your Mass Intention Request and obtain a Mass Card.

Please note that all Mass Intention Requests should be made via this link. The Parish Office will no longer be accepting handwritten lists or requests.

As per diocesan policy, a stipend should accompany each Mass request. Please note the stipend schedule when the Mass Intention is submitted.

Contact Us

In need of assistance? The parish office has designated Thursdays between the hours of 9:00am and 3:00pm for in-person help - no appointment is required.

For additional assistance, please schedule a time for in-person help:

Phone: (973) 334-1017


An Introduction to Mass Intentions


1. Universal Church discipline as contained in the Code of Canon Law (canons 945-958) strictly regulates the offerings made for the celebration of Mass. Only one stipended intention is permitted per Mass (with exception for a collective intention).

1.a. Collective intentions are permitted by Church Law only twice per week. These collective intentions will be offered weekly at the 8:00am Masses on Friday and Saturday. Exceptions will be when a Holy Day or holiday alters the Mass schedule.

2. As required by Canon Law, one Mass every Sunday and Holy Day must be scheduled for the intentions of our parishioners (The People of the Parish). This Mass will be scheduled on a rotating basis.

3. A person may request two Mass intentions per month. These may be for either two weekday Masses, or for one weekday Mass and one Vigil / Sunday Mass.

4. Lengthy intentions may be edited for the sake of brevity. Since the purpose of publishing the intention in the bulletin is solely to notify the family and friends of the intention, we suggest omitting middle initials, titles, etc.

5. A Mass intention must be worthy, such as for a deceased loved one, a person who is sick, or the celebration of a significant event such as a wedding anniversary.

6. The schedule of Mass intentions is subject to change and there is no promise that they will be said on the planned day due to priest illness, schedule changes, etc. If a change occurs, an attempt will be made to contact the concerned parties ahead of time, but that is not always possible.


Click the links below for more on Mass intentions.

What are Mass Intentions? Father William Saunders

Decree on Mass Stipends, Congregation for the Clergy