I pray this Lent will be a season of genuine refocus. Come Easter, may each of us be a testament to the unflagging vitality and unstoppable power of a truly God-centered life.
It can be debated how faithful Americans have been to President Washington’s vision, but in any event it should be noted that the virtues he outlined aren’t good and necessary because they’re American; Washington extolled them as American ideals because they were first good and necessary. Indeed, truth, justice, peace, and harmony transcend not only the United States, but humanity itself. They are attributes of God himself.
This year we walk in thanksgiving of Mary’s motherly care for us during these challenging times, and we beg God for the healing our hearts, homes, and neighborhoods need to better reflect his glory and goodness!
This year we walk in thanksgiving of Mary’s motherly care for us during these challenging times, and we beg God for the healing our hearts, homes, and neighborhoods need to better reflect his glory and goodness!
You have chosen your servant, Bishop Sweeney, to be a shepherd of your flock. Give him a spirit of courage and right judgement, a spirit of knowledge and love.
Thank you in a special way to all who helped with the planning of the celebration, especially Christina Simonetti. Christina leaves us for the greener pastures (golf courses) of North Carolina at the end of this month to begin her retirement.
I want to thank in a particular way OLMC’s men who never cease to encourage and inspire me. This Father’s Day I give thanks to God for you, and am glad that we’re in this thing together.
God continues to pour out his Spirit today on all who pledge love and loyalty to Jesus. Together, animated by his Spirit, we are called to help God gather all peoples into his abundant harvest.