PASTOR'S NOTE: Nov 10, 2024

Dear Saints,

Consider this for a moment: it is technically possible to be generous without loving, but it is not at all possible to love without being generous. We can give of our time and still be unkind; we can give of our talent and be impatient; we can give of our treasure and be arrogant. But if we truly love, we must be truly generous. 

God creates - that is, generates - us in his own image; as such, his own other-centeredness is deeply imprinted within our hearts. We can find hallmarks of generosity within nearly every culture in human history. And where generosity cannot be found, the culture did not last long. Our species can flourish only where the spirit of sacrificial self-gift is alive and well.

But as the story of the widow’s mite makes clear, generosity is not primarily about the size of the gift; rather, it’s about the disposition of heart with which the gift is given. Do we give cheerfully and with a sense of detachment, trusting that God will not be outdone? Or do we go only as far as we think “not being greedy” requires? Do we believe it is better to give than receive? Or do we secretly think taking is the best of all?

It’s tempting to be generous up to the point that it really costs us. But asking where the limits of generosity lie is tantamount to asking when we can stop loving. We need look no further than the cross to find the answer.


Christ’s Peace,

Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ