PASTOR'S NOTE: Sept 01, 2024

Dear Saints,

Have you ever considered how wild it is that God would entrust the work of raising his children to our cooperation? Think about it: every single baby is his beloved son or daughter, for whom he has great and wonderful plans, and he gives us the job of loving each one into full flourishing. Talk about an awesome responsibility we can’t afford to get wrong.

It starts with parents, of course. But no mother or father should have to shoulder that kind of commitment alone, and we as a parish take our obligation to help them very seriously. The moment we opened a school, we became accountable for the educational excellence of the precious children in our care. 

Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Lumen Gentium Academy exist to plant the seed of God’s word in every student’s heart, and to help it grow into complete and vibrant abundance. We believe children raised on his truth, goodness, and beauty will not only find personal success and satisfaction, they’ll also become adults who pursue justice and righteousness for the whole world.

As we welcome students back to school this week, my prayer is that we will immerse their minds and hearts in all good things; that we will serve them as they deserve, relentlessly devoted to their wellbeing; and that they will find the excitement, challenge, friendship, growth, and love God has planned for them, both this year and beyond.


Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ