PASTOR'S NOTE: Aug 13, 2023

Dear Saints,

Just as human beings are by definition in constant movement one way or the other - either growth or decay - so too is our faith community a dynamic reality. I’ve said before that we’re either a crying church or a dying church, and OLMC is very much the former! People join us because they’re desperate for what we’ve been blessed to find here, and our parishioners are truly remarkable in the love and warmth they extend to new members. Young families with (sometimes very vocal!) little ones routinely express heartfelt gratitude for having been welcomed; I am never surprised but always gratified to hear how well you love them.


As a result of your generous hospitality we’ve never been more vibrant, and one manifestation of our growth is the need to build a new home for our Montessori preschool. As you may know, Montessori classrooms are highly regarded around the world for their beauty. By design they prioritize natural light and open space, and are carefully organized with various activity stations and sensory-based learning aids. The end result is something like giant playroom-meets-workshop, with the intent of fostering independent learning, healthy and inclusive socialization, and a love of learning. 


In consultation with our architects and builders, we chose the church’s lower level for our new space, and many people have been hard at work all summer preparing for the start of school. Like all change, this will take some getting used to for teachers, preK families, and parishioners alike, but I’m thrilled that we as a community are now in a position to offer parents this important ministry. No one can know what life has in store for these little ones, but we can be confident that we’re giving them the best possible start, right here at OLMC.

Christ’s Peace,

Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ