PASTOR'S NOTE: July 9, 2023

Dear Saints,

I hope you’re getting as excited as I am for our patronal feast, which is now only a week away! As we prepare for a day of great food, fellowship, and a lot of fun, it’s worth reflecting on who we’re honoring and why we love her.

Situated in Northern Israel about 9 miles east of the Mediterranean Sea, Mount Carmel was the site of an epic throwdown between the prophet Elijah and 850 prophets of Baal, the so-called god of weather, way back in the 9th Century BC. Totally outnumbered and armed with nothing but faith and courage, Elijah ultimately vanquished his detractors, made a mockery of their idol, and demonstrated to the people the power and benevolence of God.

Fast forward a couple thousand years, and Mount Carmel had become home to hermits who called themselves “Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel” and strove to resemble Mary in every possible way. They considered her not only their patroness and mother but also their sister, a reminder of just how close she is to each of us.

As we take part in our own parish revelry, we take time to remember that Mary is with us every step of the way as we journey towards her beloved son. Our devotion to her inflames our love for Jesus, that our lives might similarly manifest the power and benevolence of God to everyone we encounter.

Christ’s Peace,

Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ