PASTOR'S NOTE: July 23, 2023

Dear Saints,


Thanks to everyone who made last week’s feast such a success! I fell asleep that night thanking God for the privilege of serving such a vibrant community. There are too many names to list, but suffice it to say that every detail from start to finish was the result of someone’s dedication. And what dedication it proved to be: the whole day was a joyful testament to the love that is the lifeblood of this parish.


But that’s just how life in Christ works, right? Among other parables in today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of the yeast a woman uses to leaven her flour. It’s an extraordinary phenomenon, yeast: it starts small, then percolates with an inner dynamism that causes lifeless flour to grow. So too do our loving acts of service permeate our surroundings and allow the Kingdom of Heaven alive within us to infiltrate and enrich everything we encounter. No matter how you participated in last Sunday’s festivities, you bore God’s image to those you met. I can’t think of a more fitting way to honor Our Lady than that.

Christ’s Peace,

Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ