PASTOR'S NOTE: May 21, 2023

Dear Saints,

It’s a mouthful to say it like this, but we celebrate Ascension Thursday this Sunday. Ascension Thursday marks Easter’s 40th day and begins our nine-day preparation for Pentecost. That schedule is a little bit different now (at least for the time being), but we’ll celebrate these feasts with as much gusto as we always have.

What does Jesus’ Ascension into heaven mean, except that he has entered earth’s control room? It is from heaven that Jesus sends the Holy Spirit — that he inspires (breathes into!) and animates the lives of his faithful followers. Jesus’ Ascension allows him to be immediately present to his people, whom he commissions to bring God’s love to life in the world.

I’m getting ahead of myself a bit here. In this period before Pentecost, it's ours to join the disciples in nine days (minus a couple if we start on Sunday) of prayer, observing the Church’s first novena. As the Apostles were gathered together after Jesus’ Ascension they prayed fervently in preparation to be clothed with power from on high.

Let's beg God for a fresh outpouring of his Spirit so that his love at work in us and working through us will renew the face of the earth.


In the Peace of our Risen Lord,

Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ