Blast from the Pastor: August 27, 2022

Taking the Lowest Place
a parable and some practice

Announcements for August 27, 2022:

  1. If you need anything at all, please be in touch with me.

  2. Men's Group next meets the morning of Saturday, September 3rd. Join us - you'll be thankful you did. Send me a note for more information.

  3. Bible Study on the Book of Revelation begins Tuesday, September 13th, and runs for 11 weeks. Let me know you're interested, or find a sign-up form in the church narthex.

  4. This academic year, we will have a school-day Mass at 7:00am Monday through Thursday. If you are interested in attending, please sign up for notifications with Father Wade.

  5. Visit the OLMC Parishioner Portal for all of our recent announcements.

Dear Saints,

This weekend's Gospel passage begins with a parable.

Parables are a bit tricky to understand. I'll get into it on Sunday, but here are some advance questions to help you figure out what Jesus is talking about:

  • The scene is a wedding banquet - where else does Jesus use this image and what does he use it to convey?

  • The guests are jockeying for position - who might these folks be and what is wrong with what they're doing?

  • "A more distinguished guest" arrives, dislodging one who is already seated - who might these characters represent?

The more I think about this parable, the more I'm drawn in to Jesus' thought world and his kingdom call. Reply to this email if you'd like to share an insight or two with me here.

The next part of the passage doesn't seem like great advice - invite people to parties who can't repay you - but it is Good News.

The question is why do we do the things we do? If we invite people to parties who will return the favor, then why do we invite them? Is it to give or to get?

This all makes me think of a great quote from Francis Chan. His book, "Crazy Love," is a great little read.

Ultimately, being invited to parties doesn't really matter. Being thought of highly doesn't really matter. Having others owe you doesn't really matter.

What matters is being loved by God and loving him in return. What matters is embodying his generous love for others. That's what we were made for, and it's what we most deeply desire.

The Good News is that Jesus makes it possible. His spirit - his own life of love at work in us and through us - makes it possible.

I love you, my friends, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Christ's Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

Preparing for Mass?
Check out this weekend's readings:
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ecce Homo
Guido Reni, c.1639

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