PASTOR'S NOTE: July 31, 2022

Dear Saints,

Although we are not yet releasing a detailed report for FY 2021-22, I wanted to give you the good news as it relates to OLMC’s fiscal health.

The long and short of it is that our mission-centric operation is flourishing. We have long been committed to living out faithfully our call to be a light to the nations, trusting that God will provide for our material needs as we meet the spiritual needs of the world. This year is like every other in our storied 175-year history: God’ provision has been abundant.

Our financial health has been driven by resurgent growth in the enrollment of our beloved parish school. With 240 students this past academic year, tuition revenue was as high as it’s ever been. We’re likely to add an additional 60 students to that number this coming year. Many families who have students enrolled in OLMC School have become active parishioners here, and we have been blessed by their participation in parish life and their generosity in giving so freely of their time, talent, and treasure.

This coming year, OLMC School will have two sections of students in almost every grade. This is our end-state goal - two full sections per grade - and we are quickly closing in on our limit. If you are interested in having your child enrolled at OLMC School, please reach out to us now. We are already looking at forming waitlists this summer in particular grades.

Enrollment growth comes at a cost, but it is one we’re ready to bear, and we bear it gladly. The renovation of our convent to give us six additional classrooms is drawing to a good conclusion, but it will not get us every room we need to faithfully steward this project. Please pray that God makes a way for us these next couple of years, as we will continue to manage issues arising from growth as we go. Further, additional students means additional faculty, and we’re almost doubling the resources we’re deploying in our educational apostolate.

There’s much more to celebrate than just that. Our CCD program has reached lofty heights these past couple of years under the faithful direction of Faith Rose. We even saw a rebirth of Vacation Bible School, which served many families so well this summer. The many ministries at OLMC are only growing in health, and I’m thankful for the many hours that have been given to allow the light of God’s love to shine so brilliantly in Boonton and beyond.

The story of our success will always be that, with great mission-focused staff and tremendous parishioner support, we have been faithful stewards of the resources God has entrusted to our care. More than that, I must say, we are seeing the impact of your being prayerful, intentional givers. Your giving everything you have and everything you are to God and for his purposes is enabling OLMC to light up the world. I’ve included here part of the text you can find on our website that encourages our growth in giving intentionally. Let’s take the next step together!

For more, please see

Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ