PASTOR'S NOTE: July 10, 2022

Dear Saints,

Because Our Lady of Mount Carmel is our parish’s Patroness, we get to move her feast to the Sunday before or after July 16. This year, as you know, we're going with July 17th (and the Vigil Mass of the 16th).

I hope you're getting pumped and preparing well. Be sure to hydrate, especially if you are joining us for the afternoon (and after-lunch) procession!

Our procession is a powerful part of our annual celebration. In a word, it is expressive of our being the Body of Christ. Our public profession of faith demonstrates that God’s love is not confined to the church building: we must bring it to life wherever we go.

The procession reminds us of the public nature of our faith, but it also shows our neighbors that we are committed to the task – and they can call on us to be the Body of Christ! Further, the procession makes known the fact that God is alive, and that he is on the move. God is at work in every neighborhood, and we are called to join him in his work to claim every street, every home, every heart for Jesus.

It is the Spirit that animates the Body of Christ. That means that, whether or not you can join us on procession or pilgrimage, you can accompany us and support us by your prayers. As we process, my prayers for you and OLMC will be that we live out our call – both together and individually – to bring the love of God to life for everyone we encounter!

We look forward to this weekend every year... and I look forward to celebrating this special day with you!

Christ's Peace,

Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

PS Join us the weekend of the 16th and 17th:

• Every Mass will be the Mass of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

• After the 11:00am Mass, we will enjoy food and fellowship in front of the church

• Following lunch, at 1:00pm, we will process with the (big) statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel around some of the surrounding streets

• 2:15pm, the procession will end at School Street School where there will be entertainment, fun and games for the rest of the afternoon