Blast from the Pastor: March 19, 2022

The Risky Way of Love
Lent's third Sunday

Announcements for March 19, 2022:

  1. If you need anything at all, please be in touch with me.

  2. This year, we are going beyond the tithe in support of the Ukrainian people. The money we raise - our goal is $20,000 - will be given to churches in Ukraine to directly assist those who are most in need. Click here to give now.

  3. On Friday, we're hosting our last Light of the World Tour of the year. If you know anyone with school-age children, you'll want to discover the OLMC difference. (The flyer for the event is below.)

  4. As part of OLMC's participation in the Welcome Home to Healing initiative, we will have Adoration in the church every Monday evening (7:00-8:30pm) through April 4th. Come for Confession and stay for some quiet time with our Eucharistic Lord.

  5. Visit the OLMC Parishioner Portal for all of our recent announcements.

Dear Saints,

Our Gospel passage this Sunday has Jesus journeying to Jerusalem. Along the way, someone asks him about Pontius Pilate's having slaughtered a group of Galilean pilgrims there.

Among other things, this is a warning to Jesus (who is leading his own Galilean pilgrimage): Go that way at your own peril.

And that's exactly what Jesus does.

What is Jesus' path to Jerusalem? As we saw last week in the Transfiguration, the way Jesus walks is the path of the Law and the Prophets: to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and to Love your neighbor as yourself.

Entrusting ourselves to God, his goodness, and his good plan for us and his whole world, we are made to give ourselves away for the good of the people he brings into our life. More simply stated, in prayer and Sacrament we receive life and strength from God (who is pure self-gift), and so become like him.

We don't know what dangers we will face when we join Jesus on the risky way of self-giving love, but it is the only path that leads through death to life.

Thankfully, we are on this path together. Check out to join us on the Lenten way.

I love you, my friends, and I look forward to seeing you very soon.

Christ's Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

PS Our children deserve the very best, and at OLMC School they receive it! Our next Light of the World Tour is on Friday -- Join us to see how we awaken the imagination, inspire the mind, and inflame the heart of every child.

Preparing for Mass?
Check out this weekend's readings:
Third Sunday of Lent

Parables: "The Barren Fig Tree"
Eugène Burnand, 1908

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