Blast from the Pastor: March 1, 2022 - LENT

Taking the Lenten Trek
living Jesus' 40-day fast

Dear Saints,

View our Ash Wednesday schedule of Masses and services here.

As you can see from the attached flyer, we’re about ready for Lent to begin. Making our final preparations in the runup to Ash Wednesday, however, I realize that for years such as these we need much more than a published program of events to get us going.

I’m reaching out, then, in hopes of connecting with you in a meaningful way before we begin our Lenten journey. Please be assured of my love and my prayers these weeks – we’re going to tackle the challenges of this season together, growing in sincere love for God, each other, and the world as we make our way.

Years ago, I saw a banner hanging outside a church that read, “Broken People Welcome Here.” It was shocking. Well, more like soul-stirring: In the very depths of my (broken) being, I cried out, “Yes!”

Read the rest of my Lenten letter here.

I love you, my friends, and I look forward to a fruitful Lent with you.

Christ's Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

PS As promised, here's our Lenten schedule of activities. You can find it in more readable form on our website.