PASTOR'S NOTE: Nov 13, 2022

Dear Saints,

 The frenzy will be soon upon us. Maybe it’s already here. Do you feel it? We’re starting to see wreathes go up around town, but they’re not for Advent. Some stores already have their “seasonal” items out. Not even a clever meme can keep the “craze” at bay (e.g. “There are 12 days of Christmas... none of which are in November!”).


Okay, so let’s not go down this path. Not yet. I have a few weeks to secure “humbug” status, and I will take advantage of the opportunities as they arise. For now, though, I’d like to issue something of a PSA that is prompted by a recent men’s group discussion.


It’s not yet getting terribly cold, but many of us are bracing for winter. I always struggle to stay warm, but some of my neighbors won’t do as well as I will this year. Perhaps they’re living on a too-tight budget, especially with the climbing cost of fuel, and the idea of spending more money they don’t have is overwhelming. Maybe the person they depend on to winterize the house hasn’t been available yet. For some, the death of a loved one has left them alone and unable to do even some of the simplest things.


Do you know if there are people in that position around you? This is a really big question for us, charged as we are to bring God’s love to life for everyone we encounter. I know it’s hard to know your neighbors these days, but what a difference it would make to know these kinds of things, and to extend ourselves in love to meet people’s genuine needs.


Likewise, if you’re in need of a toasty room, a hot drink, or a warm reception, don’t be afraid to swing by. You can enjoy the warmth of my home, and we’ll make room for a chat to give us good cheer.


Let me know. And please, be assured of my prayers.


Christ’s Peace,


Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ