PASTOR'S NOTE: Oct 16, 2022

Dear Saints,

Jesus is at work in and around OLMC, and he is busy – working in and through YOU!

Ministering to one another, bringing God’s love to life for each other, is at the heart of what makes us a Christian community. Our connections to one another are strengthened - and we are emboldened - when we gather together in worship and mission, to pray and to love!

Our parish is flourishing as a result, and not merely in numbers. New efforts to reach out to our neighbors in need and to care for the youth, the elderly, the lonely, the sick, the infirm, and the bereaved – aka bringing God’s love to life! – are being considered and implemented on a regular basis around here.

Jesus encourages us in this weekend’s Gospel passage to pray always without becoming weary. This is a strong reminder to us that the strength of all our efforts at OLMC is God’s own life of love, which is given to us whenever we turn to God in faith-filled prayer. As Christ’s Body, we are animated and sustained by his holy Spirit: Without Christ we can do nothing (cf. John 15), but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (cf. Philippians 4.13).

Thank you for your witness to love, my friends. You inspire me.

In the Peace of Christ,

 Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ