PASTOR'S NOTE: Jan 23, 2022

Dear Saints,

Where did the time go? Do you ever ask yourself that question?

Our days can pass by in a blur, but our lives need not be unexamined. This is the genius of the nightly examen prayer, which is an important practice for a serious plan of life. The examen is a quick prayer that helps you to review how God was at work - and whether or not you trusted and followed Jesus - throughout your day. This is a bit different from an examination of conscience, which is used to identify our sins and sinfulness especially in preparation for the Sacrament of Confession.

To pray an examen find a silent place where you can be free from distraction and become aware of God’s presence. Thank God for the fatherly love and care he shows you; thank him for calling you to bring his love to life for others; and ask him to show you the highlights of your day - what he wants you to take notice of, whether good or bad.

Then - and this is the best part! - start to slowly review your day. Start with the morning and work your way through the day. What happened? Who did I see? Did I love you well, God? Did I bring your love to life for that person? Did I do what you wanted me to do, God? Did I trust you there, Jesus?

After your prayerful review, thank God for your time with him, seek his forgiveness for your failures, and give thanks to him for the blessings of your day (especially those times that you were able to be a blessing for others).

Becoming aware of the times throughout your day that we trusted and followed Jesus - and the times we didn't - helps us to focus precisely on that all-important task. Even when a prayerful review of our day reveals our failures, that revelation is always hopeful and encouraging: The same God who allows us to see our shortcomings also gives us the strength to overcome them!

If you have any questions on how to do this, let me know!

In the peace of Christ,

Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ