PASTOR'S NOTE: Sep 19, 2021

Dear Saints,

Two years ago I dedicated part of my pastor’s article to Anthony R. Bucco (below), who had died a few days previously. I’m thrilled to announce that we will be awarding the late senator a posthumous Lumen Gentium Award at this year’s gala (November 6).

What I’ll never forget about Tony is that we shared time and space together almost every day for three years. Believe it or not, he’d beat me into the church in the morning. When I arrived at 6:30, he was starting to wrap up the 6:00am shift: he’d lit his candles, set up the book of remembrances for the day, and made his way through the rosary. I loved seeing his car parked outside every day, knowing he was holding down the fort.

As you know, I’m excited to have kicked off the new school year. It’s great to see the kids every day, and to know what wonders our faculty and staff are working to awaken their imaginations, inspire their minds, and inflame their hearts. You can be proud - along with me - that OLMC’s educational ministry is second to none. Our gala will be a thoroughgoing celebration of our successes, and I hope you’ll join me there. Be sure to save that date!

Christ’s Peace,

Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ