Blast from the Pastor: September 4, 2021

The Healing Touch
the deaf hear and the mute speak

Announcements for September 4, 2021:

  1. Our 2022 Mass Book is now open. For more information and to request Masses (limited to three requests for now) visit our Mass Intentions page online, check out the form in the narthex of the church, or give us a call.

  2. Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, September 10 at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. All teens in grades 8-12 are invited to attend.

  3. Visit our Parishioner Portal for up-to-date announcements.

Dear Saints,

Our Gospel passage this week has Jesus performing a miraculous cure for a man who is deaf and mute. It profits us to see this in a number of ways, but for now I'd like to consider this: The mighty works that Jesus performs reveal what God wants for his world.

God created his world good, so good that he saw it was so seven times. The pinnacle of God's creation was man, his very own image, made to offer creation's praise to God and bring God's wise and loving rule to the world.

The story goes south pretty quickly, but let's not get into that (if you want to get into that, send me a note). What I want to focus on is that God does not give up on his fallen world, and that Jesus is the truly human being who restores man to his image-bearing capability.

The power at work in Jesus' miraculous healings (the power of self-giving love) is unleashed on the earth in his death and resurrection, and in his ascension and the sending of his Spirit. The recovery of our vocation is at hand - with the restoration of God's world to follow in its wake - if we but trust and follow him.

Jesus pioneers and makes possible for us the way of renewed humanity. With his own life of love at work in us and working through us, by going the way of self-gift no matter what, we find our place in God's plan to raise up his fallen world.

I love you, my friends, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Christ's Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

Preparing for Mass?
Check out this weekend's readings:
The Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Healing of a Deaf Mute
Ottheinrich Bible (artist unknown), ca.1430

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