PASTOR'S NOTE: Aug 15, 2021

Dear Friends,

This week, we continue to look at how we can grow in our relationship with God. The Simple Plan of Life explores five essential pillars of Christian Discipleship: Sunday Mass, Monthly Confession, Daily Prayer, Serving, and Giving. Go to the website and click on the heading for GROW.

Prayer is the way to living in and through Jesus. We have to pray in order to love the whole world back into life. We have to give our lives over to Jesus.

To get a jumpstart on what each of the five steps of The Simple Plan of Life entails, go to the website and click on the heading for GROW.

 Part #3 of our GROW series will be presented next week. In the meantime, remember that you are not alone. Here at the parish we are well equipped to help you journey with Jesus - to help you apprentice under him. Come talk to me about how we walk this way together.

Christ’s peace,

Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

A Simple Plan of Life

When we’re looking to grow in our relationship with God, it’s hard to figure out where to start. That’s why we take a roofsgutters, and grading approach to spiritual growth at OLMC.

What is a roofsgutters, and grading approach?

Have you ever had water in your basement? As a homeowner there’s almost nothing so scary. Water is a destructive force anywhere, but if it’s in your basement you have big problems.

A common response to discovering water problems is to think through extraordinary solutions: sealing the exterior wall, shoring up the foundation, french drains, etc.

That’s not where contractors start, though. And for good reason.

90% or more of all home water problems are the result of roof, gutters, or grading issues. If your roof is in good shape, if your gutters are in place and functioning as they should, and if the land around your house slopes in the right direction, chances are your house is dry.

Starting with the ordinary solutions of roofs, gutters, and grading makes sense not only because that’s where you’ll likely fix your issue, but also because if that’s not the fix you can move with confidence to extraordinary measures.

This is analogous to growth in our relationship with God. The ordinary means of shoring up our relationship with God should be put in place before we begin to look elsewhere for spiritual health and growth. The roofsgutters, and grading - the 90% solution - of Christian life are Sunday MassMonthly Confession, Daily Prayer, Serving, and Giving.