Blast from the Pastor: August 7, 2021

Blessed to be a Blessing
my flesh for the life of the world

Announcements for August 7, 2021:

  1. Our next Youth Ministry gathering will be Friday, August 13 at 7:00pm in Gordon Hall. All teens entering grades 8 through 12 are invited to attend.

  2. This weekend we will host a priest to speak on behalf of the Missionary Cooperation Plan. Father Joebert (from the Diocese of Kalibo in the Philippines) has been to OLMC before, and is eager to share with us again the joys and struggles of ministry in his diocese. If you would like to give to this appeal online, please visit the Monthly Appeals section of our website.

  3. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, usually a Holy Day of Obligation, falls on a Sunday this year. Our Masses next weekend will celebrate this great feast.

  4. Visit our Parishioner Portal for up-to-date announcements.

Dear Saints,

In this weekend's Gospel reading we hear Jesus say, "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world."

This passage - part of the Bread of Life Discourse - is significant for many reasons. Two that come readily to mind are:

  1. The Eucharistic connections are undeniable. We are called to eat Jesus' Body and drink his Blood. This is not symbolic language.

  2. We see (a) what Jesus is giving us and (b) why he is giving it: he gives (a) his flesh (b) for the life of the world.

Jesus wants to raise up God's good yet fallen world. He wants every corner of creation to be brought back to life. He does this by giving us - as our share in his death-conquering victory - his flesh to eat.

As Jesus' followers who live out the pattern of his death and resurrection, we die to sin and live for God. Giving ourselves over to God's loving rule, we look to bring his love to life wherever we go.

That is how Jesus' flesh becomes the life of the world. We become what we receive. We are blessed so that we will be a blessing.

I love you, my friends. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Christ's Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

Preparing for Mass?
Check out this weekend's readings:
The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Triumph of the Eucharist over Idolatry
Peter Paul Rubens, ca.1625

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