PASTOR'S NOTE: June 19-20, 2021

Dear Saints,

Happy Father's Day!

In a very challenging interview a few weeks ago, I was asked about my experience as a spiritual father. The question stumped me, but I offered what came to mind:

The idea of a spiritual anything gives me pause. Can the spiritual be separated from the psychological, emotional, and physical? Not if we understand it properly. If I am a good father, I will want the growth and development of my children in every facet of their human lives.

I don’t know the experience of fatherhood – either having a biological child or rearing a son or daughter – from the inside. We call priests “father,” but I’ve always thought of myself as a father by analogy. What I know of fatherhood, I know from my own father and the dads I spend time with: I observe characteristics that good fathers share, and I want to embody the same.

It’s probably best to start with God as Father and say that all fatherhood is related to God. In fact, our fatherhood is real inasmuch as it reflects God’s fatherly love. In that sense, I pray and strive to be worthy of the name.

There’s much more than that to reflect on this weekend, but I’d like to end with a word of thanks. Thank you to our men who, embodying God’s love, give me good example and encouragement as a father. In a world that is so desperate for God’s fatherly care, I’m thrilled to be shoulder to shoulder with you, bringing his love to life for everyone we encounter.

In the Peace of Christ,

Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ