Blast from the Pastor: April 1, 2021 - The Sacred Paschal Triduum

The Sacred Paschal Triduum
an invitation to prayer

Dear Saints,

The Triduum begins today! Check out this helpful cheat sheet for the events we commemorate, what you'll see in church, and how you can try to live the day:

These next few days are the holiest in the Church's calendar. Whether live or online, let's observe them with increased energy and attention.

A great resource I want to put in your hands before Thursday evening is A Journey through Holy Week for Families. This beautiful booklet will help you to enter into these sacred days. (I'm sorry I forgot, once again, to get this to you earlier!)

Of course, you are welcome to join us live or online in prayer. Our liturgical schedule, which doubles as our broadcast schedule, is below. I think the easiest way to watch is by going to our website, but you may already have a viewing preference (Facebook, YouTube, etc.).

Holy Thursday - April 1

  • Morning Prayer, 8:00am

  • Mass of the Lord's Supper, 7:00pm

Good Friday - April 2

  • Morning Prayer, 8:00am

  • The Celebration of the Lord's Passion, 3:00pm

  • Stations of the Cross, 6:00pm

Holy Saturday - April 3

  • Morning Prayer, 8:00am

  • Easter Vigil, 8:00pm (2-hour Mass)

Easter Sunday - April 4

  • Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am (X2), 11:00am

Please know of my prayers for you and yours these days. You are close to my heart as we journey with Jesus to the Cross and beyond!

In the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

Check out the USCCB's
Guide to the Triduum