PASTOR'S NOTE: Nov 14, 2021

Dear Saints,

Last Saturday, we hosted our annual Gala to benefit our educational ministry. It was a wonderful celebration and a truly lively evening. Thanks are in order for all of you: Your faithfulness and generosity to OLMC, your prayers and loving support of our mission and ministries, and your dedication to and enthusiasm for our parish school are bearing much fruit!

At the event, we were honored to have the opportunity to recognize and show appreciation for two pillars of our OLMC community. Senator Tony Bucco (in memoriam) and Tony Scozzafava received Lumen Gentium (Light of the World) awards for their long and distinguished service to OLMC’s educational mission. Please join me in celebrating them and their great legacies of service both to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and beyond.

OLMC’s dedication to her parish school is beautiful and fitting. In all of my experience in and outside of the diocese, I have never seen anything like it. I am humbled to work alongside all of you, whose generous contribution of time, talent, and treasure make OLMC home to so many families in our region.

I probably don’t need to say it, but something very special is happening in our parish and school. In a region where parish populations are shrinking, we are experiencing growth. Against the backdrop of school closings, OLMC School is thriving. But that’s not the half of it. Bearing the fruit of the holy Spirit – and not growth in numbers – is the true measure of our success, and our harvest is abundant!

Christ’s Peace,

Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ