PASTOR'S NOTE: Oct 24, 2021

Dear Saints,

Have you visited our website recently? You might want to check it out again. Be sure to browse through our “parishioner portal,” where you’ll find a lot to keep you looped in here at OLMC.

Our homepage, you’ll see, encourages visitors to “Find Your Place in God’s Plan.” You have a place. You have a place here at OLMC. You have a place in God’s plan.

It seems too simple to say that, but perhaps it’s something you need to hear. You, in whatever state, circumstance, or situation you find yourself in today, have a place here.

You are dearly loved. You, as you are, are loved by God and – because as lovers of God we love what he loves – you are loved by your OLMC family.

There are no “pariahs” in our parish. No “better thans.” No “outcasts.”

Social media interactions, advertising, and our current culture (political and otherwise) might try to numb us to the reality, but pitting ourselves against others, putting ourselves over and above others, is a deep betrayal of God’s for-the-other love that is ours only by his mercy.

God’s word on this matter needs to shape our hearts and minds more than popular opinion. God, in his great mercy and glory, made you in his image. He made you out of love: he made you by love, and he made you for love. This means that loving God and our neighbor is our life’s work, our purpose.

So, be loved by God and, loving him in return, bring his love to life for everyone you encounter.


Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ