Blast from the Pastor: January 3, 2021

Merry Christmas(tide)!
the feast of the Epiphany

Announcements for January 2, 2021:

  1. We've all been waiting for the new year - now, let's take advantage of it. Give a listen to my homily from January 1 for a kickstart to 2021.

  2. Be sure to check out for our most up-to-date schedule of Masses, and resources to enhance our worship.

  3. The weather won't cooperate these days, so I'll make a late call on the location of our 11:00am Mass - let me know if you want to receive text-message notifications from us.

  4. Find all of our announcements (and more) now in one place: our Parishioner Portal.

  5. Please be in touch with me if you need anything at all, or if you'd like to share any questions or concerns.

Dear Saints,

Christmas greetings!

We're well within the 12 Days of Christmas, and we're celebrating in style. Join us for a live nativity (or just joy-filled refreshments) after our 11:00am Mass on Sunday.

For Mass this weekend, we get one of the iconic Gospel readings of the season, recounting the magi's journey from the East to Jerusalem and beyond.

God's manifestation (which is what the word epiphany means) of himself to the Gentiles reveals his intentions for the world: Jesus' rescue operation is to include all peoples.

The magi's journey jumpstarts our meditation on the Epiphany, but more on that after their appearance in one of my favorite Christmas carols:

We Three Kings gets us in the Epiphany mood

My reflections on the magi have always been short (and hopefully sweet), but they cause me to ask the following questions:

  • Will I, with the magi, pursue Jesus? Will I go to the ends of the earth to find him, my true king?

  • Will I offer my most treasured possessions - turning over my heart and life - to Jesus?

  • Having done Jesus fitting homage, has my encounter with him changed my life's course (departing for [my] country by another way)?

In light of our Anno Domini 2020 experience, I'd say that asking these questions has never been more important. (For more context, check out the homily I linked above.)

My dear friends, I look forward to seeing you - and celebrating God's New Year with you - very soon!

Christ's Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

Preparing for Mass?
Check out this weekend's readings:
The Epiphany of the Lord

Adoration of the Magi
El Greco, 1568

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