Blast from the Pastor: March 24, 2020

No Days Off
notes from quarantine

Dear Saints,

Please make sure we have your up-to-date information on file: visit our website now to stay connected.

Last week, in one of our recently broadcast Masses, I suggested there would be evidence coming soon of how seriously I am taking our COVID-19 quarantine. I had two items in mind:

  1. _to be revealed_

  2. The construction of an outdoor Confessional

The Confessional has been assembled. I will send an update on it soon (make sure we have your cellphone number and email address).

Before we get to #1, I thought I should add a third: no days off. You're on 24/7 virus duty, and I'm going to join you. You can count on my being here for you every day of this stringent Lenten sojourn. I love you and I am here to serve you.

Okay. #1...

Tune in to Mass tomorrow (8:00am) to find out! You can find everything you need for that on our new Mount Carmel Mission Hub. Any guesses? Let me know.

I look forward to seeing you soon, my friends.

Christ's Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

PS. A couple more funnies (two of my favorites so far):
