Blast from the Pastor: March 13, 2020 - Sunday Mass Obligation

Sunday Mass Obligation
a coronavirus update

Dear Saints,

Please see the attached letter from Bishop Serratelli.

The briefest summary I can offer is:

  • People in the Diocese of Paterson, for the time being, are dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass (i.e. you do not need to attend Mass on Sunday).

  • Masses will continue to be offered in the diocese, and people are allowed to attend.

  • Should you choose to come to Mass, please be prudent and appropriately cautious.

Let me stress, my friends, that if you are sick at all, if you are immunocompromised, or if you are in regular contact with someone whose health will be jeopardized by a possible coronavirus infection, then please do not come to Mass.

Hopefully, these most difficult times for us are short-lived. It pains me to be separated from you, but we remain together in prayer. If you'd like free access to daily Mass readings and prayers, you can find it here at Magnificat's online platform. If you're feeling disconnected at all, either socially or spiritually, please be in touch with me (you can just reply to this email).

One programming note: We will hold Stations of the Cross tonight in the church (6:00pm), but our supper following is cancelled.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Christ's Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

PS Welcome Home to Healing will continue throughout Lent. Churches in the Diocese of Paterson are open for confessions every Monday night from 7:00-8:30pm. The last Monday for the initiative is March 30th.

*** Please note: On March, 16, 2020, the above were replaced by new attached directives from Bishop Serratelli.

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