Dear Friends,

I have a few things on my mind that I’d like to share with you this week. The following items are really just scratching the surface of what’s going on in and around the parish these days, but they are things I want to keep you aware of.

1. Church Audio Project

Thank you, my friends, for your faithful support of this much needed renovation work. When I first arrived here some four-plus years ago, a plan was put on my desk to fix our church microphone and amplification issues. Believe it or not, we have improved and expanded that plan and lowered the cost for it!

The two major pieces of the project are $38,981.00 and $8,964.00 respectively. If we get receive a generous response, we’ll look at the $29,690.00 needed for acoustic renovations of the school’s All Purpose Room. After many years, we have room in our budget to start the improvements, and we will work through the phases of the project as we raise money for them and as our cash flow allows.

Feel free to talk to me about this project. We’re looking into having an envelope printed for Lent that will be dedicated to this project. You can give support in advance of that by writing church audio project on any checks, or you can give online ( and click on the second ‘Donate’ button or email me for more information: All monies collected will be used only for the improvements to our sound systems.

2. Flu Season and the Coronavirus

I’m reading a lot of what’s being written about the coronavirus, and it’s still a bit of a challenge to assess the risk. What I can say is that, as a parish, we will take all reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.

For the immediate future, we will not distribute communion from the shared chalices. Further, we are asking all of our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to use an antibacterial wash or wipe prior to distributing communion. Finally, if you are specially concerned about being sick or about becoming sick, please avoid the communion line and even the sign of peace.

Please note that we are not at liberty to restrict people’s options for the reception of holy communion, and that there appears to be very little difference, relative to the spread of disease, between receiving on the tongue or in the hand.

3. Children at Prayer

One of the things I love about OLMC is the hustle and bustle of little children. I’m so thankful that we can be a place of support and encouragement for families hoping to raise their children in the faith. When I saw the following quote, I knew I had to share it with you:

Metropolitan Anthony Bloom (1914-2003) was once asked, “What shall we do with children in church? They interfere with our prayers.” He replied, “When you begin to pray, they will stop bothering you.”

What he means, I have to say, is that God is in charge and that prayer is a matter of love. So, if he calls me to love him with children around, that’s what I do. And if he calls me to love him in the midst of distractions, that’s what I do. And if he calls me to love him in silence (which is probably the toughest of all), that’s what I do.

Peace and Prayers!
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ