Blast from the Pastor: October 3, 2020

Kingdom Fruitfulness
living as God's renewed people

Announcements for October 3, 2020:

  1. Swing by this Sunday for our blessing of animals. We will meet at 12:30pm in front of the church - all non-bipedal animals allowed!

  2. If you haven't yet done so, feel free to give now to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. This yearly appeal allows us to contribute to the good work our diocese is doing in Morris, Sussex, and Passaic Counties.

  3. The weather looks good, so let's plan on our (now) regular offering of Masses this weekend. I'll send a text/email update Sunday morning to confirm. If you haven't been receiving these notifications, let me know.

  4. Our weekend Masses are: Saturday 5:15pm in the church; Sunday at 7:30am and 9:00am in the church; Sunday at 9:00am at Walmart; and Sunday at 11:00am outside.

  5. Please be in touch with me if you need anything at all, or if you'd like to share any questions or concerns.

Dear Saints,

We have another powerful parable in our Gospel passage this weekend. Jesus' Parable of the Wicked Tenants calls the chief priests and elders to account, condemns the religiopolitical rulers' way of life, and exhorts them to submit to him - Israel's Messiah - and the rule of God he is bringing to bear.

Jesus' stiffest challenges and sternest warnings are issued to Israel's ruling class. The chief priests and elders of the people are not simply getting it wrong; they're disfiguring God's designs and making use of his plans for their own purposes.

But God's designs will not be derailed. His kingdom project must continue, and he recovers it by coming in the flesh to live out Israel's original vocation - to be a light to the nations.

Those who trust and follow Jesus - those who make God's way of self-giving love their own - are made to become God's renewed Israel. We who have been claimed by God's mercy are called to bring forth the fruit of his merciful rule: to embody his no-limits love for everyone we encounter.

Put a slightly different way, God's blessing comes to us so that it might reach through us to others.

I love you, my friends, and I look forward to seeing you very soon.

Christ's Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ

PS Don't forget the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. Click here or below:

Preparing for Mass?
Check out this weekend's readings:
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Tribute Money
Peter Paul Rubens, 1610-1615

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