Dear Friends,

This past week has been jam-packed with activity - some planned and some unplanned - and it doesn't look like things will settle down anytime soon. Thankfully, parts of my day are set in stone: My schedule is where the plan of life I talked about last week comes to life. Without focused times for prayer in particular, I wouldn’t be able to get through the day! 

Prayer was very much on my mind this week. The Gospel readings for Wednesday and Thursday included reference to Jesus at prayer. Give those homilies a listen if you have a chance (

Jesus’ custom - his plan of life! - was to rise early before dawn and go off by himself to pray. Was his time in communion with God simply an escape from the crowds? No. Prayer was an extension of his active life: Jesus’ whole life, in prayer and service, was given over to God.

Jesus' life of prayer is of a piece with his ministry to others. Just so, our life of prayer must be of a piece with our day-to-day life. 

As I wrote about last week, 30 minutes of silent prayer a day is essential for someone trying to live a Christian life. I’ve talked about it a bit in the past, but one of the ways to spend this time is in meditation. During your silent time, you can read Scripture slowly and see what resonates with you. Reflect on some of the words that move your heart. This is one way of letting God speak to you.

Bring the details of your life to God in prayer and surrender yourself to him. As you listen to him, let him love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God; he delights in you! When you open your heart to God he will fill you, sustain you, stretch you, and strengthen you.

You will know that you have truly prayed when you grow in peace, and when you find eagerness to get back to your day. Over time, as your trust in him is strengthened and you learn how to follow him in every aspect of your life, you will come to see that prayer and love are two sides of the same coin.

If you are eager to find this life of peace but need some help getting started, our OLMC spiritual mentors can help. Call the rectory so we can connect you with them.

Also, as you pray this week, please include our 8th Graders as they go to Washington DC on Friday to participate in the March of Life.

In the peace of Christ,
Father Daniel.
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ