Dear Friends, 

If you're like me, the summer has been busier than I wanted but I'm grateful for all that has happened - a little time away including a retreat, a few chances to catch up with my brothers, and all the many personal interactions I’ve been able to have with people in and around the church and school.

Having the opportunity to relax with a thought-provoking book is always a treat. You've heard me ask you about your heart’s treasure, what activities and goals consume your time and energy, and the like.

A book I’ve re-read recently that gives me renewed focus on the centrality of this topic is Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller. It’s a pretty straightforward read if you’re interested, and I’d love to chat with you about it if you pick it up!

My weekly Blast from the Pastor of August 3 takes on this same theme. You can reread that, too, on our website. Go to and click on the heading for BLOG & BULLETIN, then scroll down to the blasts.

There are two weeks left in the summer, or so they say. I hope they afford you the opportunity to reflect and regroup in anticipation of a great year ahead. I look forward to joining you in the journey! 

Christ's Peace,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ