Dear Friends,

It’s hard for me to write about the loss of Fr. Ed. As many of you have been kind to acknowledge, Fr. Ed was dear to me. I loved him – not always as well as I would have liked – and I want to honor him with my words here and (more importantly) with my life of pastoral service at OLMC.

Fr. Ed Is a hero of ours for many reasons. Many of you remember his tireless service to OLMC through the decades, including a stretch of time where we lost our beloved leaders Fathers Mike and Bob. No doubt you’ll also remember his service these past few years as a weekend associate: come rain or shine – come gout, afib, or cancer – Fr. Dillon would be here to serve, and how well he served us. We will miss him desperately, and we are forever indebted to him for his ministry to our community.

With Fr. Ed’s passing, I am reminded that the lives of the saints are the best commentary on Sacred Scripture. How many times do we see in the Gospel that people leave everything to follow Jesus? In Fr. Ed, we had one of these stories in the flesh (becoming a priest at the age of 45 after a 20+ year stint with the NYPD), and how this inspires us all to follow Jesus wherever he might lead us today!

Thank you, Fr. Ed. We love you and we miss you. We will keep you in prayer until the day we meet again. Requiescat in Pace!

In the Peace of Christ,
Father Daniel
δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ