PASTOR'S NOTE: Jan 28, 2024

Dear Saints,

Today’s kindergarteners will be 18 in the year 2036. Many will be getting ready for college, some will be heading to work, a few will be entering the military. Some might have already faced significant loss; some might have already met the love of their lives.

What will the world look like as these young adults step into it? What challenges and opportunities will it offer them? And who will it need them to be? It’s impossible to know, except to say that life will almost certainly be more complex and complicated in thirteen years.

For our happy-go-lucky kindergarteners, 2036 is a lifetime away and not worth another thought, which is as it should be. But we know better. We know that the years between now and then will fly by, never to return. This is their only shot to prepare for adulthood, and we take that reality very seriously. We consider every day a brick in the foundation upon which the rest of their lives will be built. Whether it’s ballet or chess, gardening or rock climbing, cooking class or cross country, poetry or physics - every hour offers some chance or other to help them become the wise, virtuous, and joyful people they’re called to be.

We’d love to show you what that looks like in action! To that end, I hope you can attend our Open House this Sunday from 10-1. It’s a great opportunity to tour the classrooms and chat with teachers. We’re particularly eager to show you the Atrium, the new home for our Montessori preschool. Please plan to stop by if you can and see for yourself how we prepare our students for lives of eternal purpose!

Christ’s Peace,


Father Daniel

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