PASTOR'S NOTE: Jan 21, 2024

Dear Saints,

You might think of today’s Gospel like this: Help Wanted. No Experience Necessary.

Jesus calls us as he called his first disciples: right where we are, and in the middle of whatever we’re doing. It’s ours to follow him no matter the cost, and no matter how poorly qualified we may feel for the job (he already knows and has accounted for both). Fortunately, today’s readings offer a few practical tips on how to go about it.

First: go where the fish are. In the precursor to today’s first reading, Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh, but as he discovered the hard way, that’s where God wanted him. That’s where the waywardness abounded, so that’s where the repentance and grace would abound all the more. We can only be successful fishers to the extent we go about it God’s way, even when that means getting out of our comfort zones and serving those we’d rather find unworthy.

Second: don’t scare the fish! Today’s second reading might be understood as something like “stop shouting about politics; stop obsessing over petty feuds; stop being so judgy; stop putting your virtue or good fortune on display.” In short, realize what’s lasting and what isn’t, and don’t let our attachment to the things of this world scare off those we’re meant to invite to God’s banquet.

Finally: don’t try to change the current, just swim against it. Jesus didn’t call his apostles to overthrow the Roman regime or topple the Pharisees. He called them to live according to his saving mission and bring others into it. He calls us to do the same.


Father Daniel

δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ